


The OVGU offers a diverse range of Master's programmes from educational science to medical technology and business mathematics. The range is constantly being updated, and interdisciplinarity and internationality are emphasised. Master's programmes require a first university degree and last three to four semesters in full-time study.

Studienmöglichkeiten Abschluss Regelstudienzeit
Advanced Semiconductor Nanotechnologies M.Sc. 4 Semester
Betriebswirtschaftslehre / Business Economics M.Sc. 4 Semester
Biomechanical Engineering M.Sc. 4 Semester
Biosystems Engineering M.Sc. 3 Semester
Business Informatics M.Sc. 3 Semester
Chemical and Energy Engineering M.Sc. 4 Semester
Chemical Engineering: Molecular and Structural Product Design M.Sc. 3 Semester
Computational Mathematics (field of study in the Mathematics degree programme) M.Sc. 4 Semester
Computational Methods in Engineering M.Sc. 4 Semester
Computer Science M.Sc. 3 Semester
Computer Systems in Engineering M.Sc. 3 Semester
Data and Knowledge Engineering M.Sc. 4 Semester
Digital Engineering M.Sc. 4 Semester
Economic Policy Analysis M.Sc. 4 Semester
Educational Science M.A. 4 Semester
Electrical and Information Technology M.Sc. 3 Semester
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology M.Sc. 4 Semester
European Studies M.A. 4 Semester
Financial Economics M.Sc. 4 Semester
Grammar school teaching M.Ed. 4 Semester
Immunology M.Sc. 4 Semester
Industrial Engineering / Electrical Engineering and Information Technology M.Sc. 3 Semester
Industrial Engineering / Logistics M.Sc. 3 Semester
Industrial Engineering / Mechanical Engineering M.Sc. 3 Semester
Industrial Engineering / Process and Power Engineering M.Sc. 3 Semester
Industrial Engineering Production, Logistics, Products M.Sc. 3 Semester / berufsintegrierte Verlaufsvariante: 5 Semester
Integrated Design Engineering M.Sc. 4 Semester
Integrative Neurosciences M.Sc. 4 Semester
International Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship M.Sc. 4 Semester
International Taxation and Public Finance M.Sc. 4 Semester
International Vocational Education M.Sc. 4 Semester
Mathematics M.Sc. 4 Semester
Mechanical Engineering M.Sc. 4 Semester
Mechatronics M.Sc. 3 Semester
Media German Studies M.A. 4 Semester
Media Literacy: Audiovisual Culture and Communication M.A. 4 Semester
Medical Systems Engineering M.Sc. 4 Semester
Operations Research and Business Analytics M.Sc. 4 Semester
Peace and Conflict Studies M.A. 4 Semester
Performance Analysis of Sport (IMPAS) M.Sc. 4 Semester
Philosophy - Neurosciences - Cognition M.A. 4 Semester
Physics M.Sc. 4 Semester
Process Safety and Environmental Engineering M.Sc. 4 Semester
Psychology M.Sc. 4 Semester
Safety and Hazard Defence M.Sc. 3 Semester
Secondary school teaching M.Ed. 4 Semester
Social Sciences M.A. 4 Semester
Statistics M.Sc. 4 Semester
Sustainable Energy Systems M.Sc. 3 Semester
Sustainable Process and Environmental Engineering M.Sc. 3 Semester
Systems Engineering and Engineering Cybernetics M.Sc. 3 Semester
Systems Engineering for Manufacturing M.Sc. 4 Semester
Teaching profession at vocational schools M.Ed. 4 Semester
Visual Computing M.Sc. 4 Semester
Vocational Education / Training and Human Resource Development M.Sc. 4 Semester

Last Modification: 19.04.2024 - Contact Person: Allgemeine Studienberatung