Information for students on health insurance

  • Changing your health insurance fund

    If you change your statutory health insurance fund, please give the new health insurance fund our sender number H0001216 for automatic data exchange with the statutory health insurance fund. They will then send us a notification about your (new) insurance status and the new insurance details will be recorded in our system.

    If you change from a statutory health insurance to a private health insurance, contact a statutory health insurance of your choice after taking out the new insurance and apply for exemption from compulsory insurance. The statutory health insurance fund will then notify us of the existence of private insurance. To do this, please quote our sender number H0001216 for automatic data exchange with the statutory health insurance fund.


  • Health insurance policy contribution Aarrears
    If you fall into arrears with your insurance contributions, you will be notified of this fact by your health insurance fund. OVGU will also receive an automatic notification. The next semester your re-enrollment will be blocked due to “health insurance payment arrears”. You will be notified of this via the student portal.

    As soon as you have met your payment obligations, we will receive another notification from your health insurance fund and the re-enrollment block will be lifted automatically.

    Should you fail to make your health insurance contributions, we will be obliged to de-register you at the end of the semester.

Last Modification: 09.02.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster