Appointment Procedure

The appointment of new professors at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg is regarded as one of the most important tasks and an effective instrument for profiling. Appointment procedures follow the principle of selecting the best candidates and aim to increase international competitiveness.

In addition to regular advertisements for permanent W2 and W3 professorships, the OVGU also advertises junior professorships (W1) and professorships with tenure track (W1, W2). Furthermore, we usually fill the Dorothea Erxleben Visiting Professorship and a Visiting Professorship with a focus on gender studies every two years.

Our appointment management ensures proper procedures in all formal and legal aspects, as well as transparency and objectivity in the selection processes. The appointment procedures are governed by the Berufungsordnung (appointment regulations) of the OVGU.

New appointments or reappointments to professorships (W3, W2 and W1 positions) at the OVGU are made according to a fixed, standardised appointment procedure, regardless of whether a civil servant or tenured position is being sought.

Current vacencies can be found here.

New appointments or reappointments to professorships (W3, W2 and W1 positions) at OVGU are made in accordance with a defined, standardised appointment procedure, regardless of whether the candidate is seeking to be made a civil servant or employed. The procedure is based on the legal requirements Landeshochschulgesetz and the Berufungsordnung (appointment regulations), which regulate the individual procedural steps.

Last Modification: 23.08.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster