Information for applicants

New appointments or reappointments to professorships (W3, W2 and W1 positions) at OVGU are made in accordance with a defined, standardised appointment procedure, regardless of whether the aim is to be made a civil servant or a tenured professor.  The procedure is based on the legal requirements and the Berufungsordnung (appointment regulations), which define the individual steps leading up to the appointment.

The appointment procedure at OVGU:

Application for the release of the position

The faculty seeking to fill the (junior) professorship submits a request to the Rectorate. Once approved, it is forwarded to the Senate Commission on Planning and Budget (PHK), which includes university management representatives and faculty deans. Based on the PHK's recommendation and the Senate's opinion, the Rectorate makes a final decision and informs the responsible ministry. After the ministry's approval, the position is advertised.

Work of the appointment committee

The appointment committee determines the exact selection criteria on the basis of the advertisement text and selects the applicants, who are invited to a trial/interview presentation open to the university, a teaching rehearsal if necessary and a detailed interview (not open to the public).

For applicants who, according to the committee, are suitable for an appointment, expert opinions are obtained from external academics recognised in the field of appointment (usually professors from other universities). The committee then draws up an appointment proposal (list placement) on the basis of the application documents, the trial lectures, the personal interviews and the expert opinions.

After the appointment proposal has been approved by the Faculty Council, taking into account the opinions of the Equal Opportunities Officer and, if applicable, the Representative Body for Severely Disabled Persons, the Dean forwards it to the Rectorate for approval by the Senate.

Appointment negotiation

The appointment is made by the Rector to the first-placed candidate. The appointee submits a teaching and research concept to the faculty, which is discussed by the faculty and university management with regard to available resources and funding. The appointment hearing is conducted by the holder of the appointment in the presence of the Dean with the Rector and the Chancellor.

If the appointee accepts the appointment, the recruitment process is initiated. The appointment procedure ends with the appointment or with the conclusion of an employment contract under private law. If the appointee declines the appointment, the Rector will contact the next person on the appointment list. If no more candidates are available, the procedure is discontinued.

Last Modification: 23.08.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster