The Rectorate

The University is managed by the Rectorate. It is responsible for the content-related and organizational management of the university. After discussion in the Senate, with the faculties and the departments, it decides, among other things, on the conclusion of target agreements with the Ministry, the distribution of allocated funds and positions or the structure of a department. It is composed of the rector, three vice-rectors and the chancellor. The term of office is limited to four years.

The rector

The rector represents the university, chairs the rectorate and sets the guidelines of the rectorate. He/she ensures the implementation of the Senate's resolutions, exercises domiciliary rights and is responsible for maintaining order at the university. The Rector is elected by the Senate and is the supervisor of the academic staff.

The Chancellor

The Chancellor conducts the business of the University's administration. He/she is the representative for the budget and permanent representative of the Rector in legal and administrative matters. The Chancellor is the supervisor of the non-scientific staff of the University and is appointed by the Minister of Science and Economics of the State of Saxony-Anhalt after public advertisement on the proposal of the Senate.

The University Senate

The University Senate is composed of members from all status groups of the university and is the highest body of the academic institution. As a democratically elected body of the members of the university, it performs legislative, advisory, strategic and also controlling tasks. Among other things, the Senate is responsible for enacting and amending the Basic Regulations. It decides on fundamental questions of teaching, research, studies, examinations and the promotion of young academics. The Senate is also responsible for electing the university's rectorate.
The following committees are represented in the Senate:

  • the Planning and Budget Commission,
  • the Commission for Research,
  • the Equipment Commission,
  • the Commission for Equal Opportunity,
  • the Commission for Studies and Teaching.

The prorectors

These commissions are chaired by the responsible prorector. The prorectors, who must be professors of the university, are elected by the senate with a simple majority. The Rector has the right of nomination to the Senate. The term of office of the prorectors is four years, usually beginning on October 1. During the term of office, prorectors may not hold any other elective office in faculty bodies.

The Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees of Magdeburg University serves to advise and support the university in all important matters. It promotes the university's profile building, performance and competitiveness. The Board of Trustees consists of five voting members who may not be employees of the University.

Members of the Rectorate

Rector: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Strackeljan
Vice Rector for Planning and Budget: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Helmut Weiß
Vice Rector for Research, Technology and Equal Opportunities: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Manja Krüger
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs: Prof. Dr. phil. Dina Kuhlee
Chancellor: Angela Matthies

Last Modification: 07.01.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster