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New online sample database

27.02.2023 -

Studies are the daily bread of science. And subjects are always being sought - whether it's about perception, decision-making, motor skills or something else entirely. At the university, a new online test person database has been established, which enables interested people to participate in ongoing scientific studies.

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Turkish partner university asks for help for earthquake victims

13.02.2023 -

After the devastating earthquakes in south-eastern Turkey, the Rector of our partner university, the German-Turkish University of Istanbul, Prof. Dr. Cemal Yildiz, wrote to us asking for our support.


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What should I do if I have a Corona infection?

31.01.2023 -

As of 31.01.2023, the Corona isolation obligation in Saxony-Anhalt has been lifted. However, employees or people in their environment still fall ill with corona. Many wonder which regulations are now binding at the university. As a general rule, you should not show up at work with symptoms if there is a risk of infecting other employees.

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New regulations in public procurement law

25.01.2023 -

With the new Saxony-Anhalt Tariff Compliance and Procurement Act, the state parliament also resolved to introduce the Subthreshold Procurement Ordinance. On March 1, 2023, the VOL/A will be replaced, which will result in a large number of changes in procurement practice. The university administration is developing new procurement regulations and preparing a comprehensive training program.

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Submit sickness notification digitally

03.01.2023 -

The new electronic certificate of incapacity for work procedure has been in force throughout Germany since January 1, 2023. This means that the previous paper certificate of incapacity for work will be replaced by a digital solution. Instead of issuing a sick bill, the doctor's office reports the incapacity to work electronically directly to the health insurance fund. The employer then queries the data from the health insurance fund. Find out here what will change for you and how you can report a sick note.

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Last Modification: 28.08.2024 - Contact Person: