The Tenure-Track Programme

At Otto von Guericke University (OVGU) Magdeburg, tenure-track procedures have been given much greater consideration in the appointment strategy and the filling of professorships since 2018. In this way, we want to give highly qualified (junior) academics a long-term perspective in academia and in Magdeburg at an early stage.

OVGU has been awarded seven tenure-track professorships since the first round of the federal and state government's programme to promote young academics (WISNA, also known as theTtenure-Track Programme).

The Tenure-Track Programme describes a predictable path in an academic career. At the beginning of an initially fixed-term appointment, a lifetime professorship is promised. The prerequisite for this is participation in an evaluation process in which the performance requirements defined in advance are reviewed.

The regulations for the organisation of appointments with tenure track for OVGU can be found here.


Offers for Tenure-Track Professors

Personal further qualification in the ‘Network Leadership and Career in Science’, e.g. with workshops on legal principles, micro-politics at universities, one's own competence and research profile or on leadership and management skills. A cross-university network of the eight organising universities in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia.

Programme 2022/2023

Programme 2023/2024

Programme 2024/2025

Last Modification: 26.08.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster