Vice Rector for Academic Affairs

The Vice-Rectorate for Studies and Teaching at the University of Magdeburg is responsible for the strategic and organizational design of studies and teaching. It is involved in the conception and further development of degree programs, teaching methods and the structure of the courses on offer and promotes quality assurance measures.

Vita of the Vice-Rector

Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Dina Kuhlee has held the Chair of Business Education at the University of Magdeburg since 2019. In addition, she has been Academic Director of the Center for Teacher Education at the University of Magdeburg since 2021 and is a member of the Saxony-Anhalt Expert Commission on the further development of the state's school system.

Prof. Dina Kuhlee studied Business Education, Business Administration and Comparative and International Education at the Humboldt University of Berlin and the University of Oxford. She completed her doctorate in the field of vocational and business education at the Humboldt University of Berlin.

She worked as a research assistant and academic councillor in research and teaching in the field of vocational and business education at the Humboldt University of Berlin and the University of Oldenburg and was a deputy professor and department director of vocational, business and technology education (BWT) at the University of Stuttgart.

Her research focuses on vocational education research at the interface with higher education research and on teacher training research with a particular focus on international comparative perspectives.

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