- SFB 1294: Data Assimilation – The Seamless Integration of Data and Models
- SFB 1315: Mechanisms and disturbances in memory consolidation: From synapses to systems
- SFB 1436: Neural Resources of Cognition
- SFB/Transregio 287: Reacting and moving granular assemblies with gas flow
- SFB/Transregio 359: Perinatal Development of Immune Cell Topology
- SmartProSys Graduate School
- CBBS neuroscience graduate program
- ESF Graduate School NACHOS
- ESF Graduate School TACTIC
- Integrated Research Training Group at TRR 287 “Bulk Reaction - Gas-flowing, moving debris with chemical reaction"
- International Max Planck Research School for Advanced Methods in Process and Systems Engineering
- Innovative Training Network (ITN) OptiVisT
- Integrated Research Training Group
- Research Training Group 2297: Mathematical Complexity Reduction
- Research Training Group 2408: Maladaptive Prozesse an physiologischen Grenzflächen bei chronischen Erkrankungen
- Research Training Group 2413: The ageing synapse - molecular, cellular and behavioral underpinnings of cognitive decline
- Research Training Group Science Management and Science Communication as Research-Based Practices in Science System Development
- Programs completed
The DFG funds research in every scientific field. It supports individual projects, research cooperations, offers awards for outstanding research achievements and funds scientific infrastructure and actions for scientific contacts. Click here for an overview of the projects.
The University of Magdeburg participates in research projects that are financed by the various framework programmes of the European Commission.
Research network CHIM
In 2008, the University of Chemnitz, the University of Ilmenau and the University of Magdeburg joined forces to form the CHIM research network. This cross-location cooperation enables researchers to conduct research beyond the boundaries of the participating universities. Since then, well over 50 successful, cross-location research projects have been carried out with a funding volume in the hundreds of millions.
Network Initiative NIIMO
The Intelligent Mobility Network Initiative Saxony-Anhalt NIIMO is a cooperation between the University of Magdeburg and Nahverkehrsservice Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH. Together, the challenges of structural change are overcome through the intelligent use of practice-driven innovations.
Mit dem Forschungspreis der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität ehrt die Universitätsleitung die besten Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler für ihre herausragenden Leistungen. Der Preis wird bereits seit 1998 traditionell einmal im Jahr an Einzelpersonen oder Forschungsgruppen verliehen.