De-registration/Transcript of records
De-registration of the university
At the end of your stay and after completing your examinations, you have to de-register from OVGU.
You have to download the application for de-registration and then you have to fill out the form
Please submit the completed de-registration form to the Campus Service Centre (Building 01).
Letter of Attendance Confirmation: If you require confirmation of the length of your stay for your home institution at the end of your Erasmus+ placement, please contact the Erasmus+ office (Building 1).
Officially de-registering with the Citizens Office
A few days before you plan to leave Magdeburg, you must notify the residents' registration office (RRO) of your departure. This can be done either by visiting the RRO in person or by completing the authorities' official de-registration form. You can download the document via this link. You can also send the completed form including a copy of your passport via email.
Transcript of records
Transcript of Records: A transcript of completed courses and grades achieved will usually only be provided several weeks after completing your examinations. If there are any problems, please contact the Erasmus+ office for advice.