Women wanted! Call for the 30th anniversary of the OVGU

18.07.2023 -  

Women wanted! Call for the 30th anniversary of the OVGU

Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg is celebrating its 30th anniversary, and to mark the occasion the BfG is looking for women at the OVGU whose work has shaped the university in the past or continues to do so today. Since its foundation, the history of the university has been significantly shaped by women, whether as academic support staff such as secretaries, economists, clerks, department heads, or as academic staff such as research assistants, doctoral students, postdocs, LfbAs, professors, and many more.

Do you know (former) colleagues or employees who have made or are making a significant contribution to their field and/or beyond with a high level of expertise, practical knowledge and/or social competence? Are there women with ideas, pioneers, mediators, inspiration, vision, an open ear, patience, etc. who should be honored or do you find yourself in this call?

If so, feel free to email gleichstellungsbeauftragte@ovgu.de by August 31st, 2023 with who you would choose and why. The BfG would like to say thank you to this woman and make her visible on the website or on the social media channels, for example, and thus pay tribute to her.

You can also find the call on Instagram!

 We look forward to many suggestions and submissions!


Last Modification: 19.08.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster