News & Events

Lecture "Intersectionality - Why Now?"

08.06.2021 -

Nahed Samor (Pro Quote Film) - 09.06.2021 I 18.00 - 19.15

In the keynote address "Intersectionality - why now?", Nahed Samour, legal and Islamic scholar, will give an outlook on why intersectionality is also important for working in the film and television industry.

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Meeting ID: 884 8401 8605
Passcode: 291519

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Virtual film screening – Picture a Scientist - 23.06.2021 | 3 a.m.

09.06.2021 -

The LIN is organising an online film afternoon in cooperation with various universities on 23.06.2021 from 15:00 with a discussion afterwards.


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"You can't be what you can't see" - or can you? A Theoretical View of Education on Social Mobility Processes of First Generation Women Scientists - 28.06.2021 | 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

22.06.2021 -

The lecture focuses on the upward mobility experiences of these first-generation academics, i.e. the educational mobility of women from non-academic backgrounds who were the first in their families to study and are now working as academics at universities. The focus of the presentation is on an exemplary research design with which the speaker approaches this topic area in the context of her dissertation.

Zoom data: Link:, Meeting ID: 691 3634 1803, Identifier Code: 587422

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New diversity calendar 2022 as e-version

18.01.2022 -

On Friday 14 January 2022, a new version of the Diversity Calendar for the year 2022 was published on the website of the Diversity Charter.

Further information on the Diversity Charter can be found here and the new Diversity Calendar can be downloaded here.

OVGU concludes inclusion agreement

01.11.2021 -

According to Article 3, Paragraph 3, Sentence 2 of the Basic Law, no one may be disadvantaged because of their disability.

In April 2021, OVGU concluded an inclusion agreement together with the rector Prof. Dr. Jens Strackeljan, the representative body for severely disabled persons and the staff council.

You can find more information here.

Last Modification: 19.08.2024 - Contact Person: Anne Teller