Thanks and wishes at the turn of the year


Dear members of the University,
dear employees,
dear students,

the year 2023 marks the end of a special year for the University of Magdeburg, an anniversary year that we have celebrated not so much with reviews and retrospectives, but rather as an opportunity to come to a common understanding of where we are and where we want to be in the future.

Even 30 years after its foundation, OVGU is still perceived regionally, nationally and internationally as an attractive academic location. We offer forward-looking study programs, assume our responsibility in the training of urgently needed teachers, participate in cutting-edge research and, as a university community, break new ground in collaborative research. We have initiated major construction projects, such as the new Welcome Center, the construction of the modern lecture hall on the medical campus and the conversion of the university library into a future-oriented place of learning, are implementing our energy concept to achieve sustainable campus development, have begun the process of digitizing teaching, have institutionalized diversity as an important strategic goal and are on our way to becoming a university of excellence. Last but not least, joining the EU GREEN university alliance has already provided important impetus for the University of Magdeburg as part of a strong European network.

However, these successes are not the result of a few people, but were only possible together, thanks to the commitment and will of all members of the university who work in science, teaching and administration. Before the university now embarks on a well-deserved short Christmas break and a little peace and quiet returns, I would like to thank you wholeheartedly on behalf of the entire university management for your great commitment and reliable cooperation in coping with the months behind us, and I hope that the dynamism, flexibility, cohesion and sense of unity we have created will remain with us in the future. Let us continue to rethink the world together.

I wish you and your families a peaceful and peaceful holiday season and a good start to a healthy New Year!

Yours sincerely,
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Strackeljan

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