Managing projects correctly and empowering teams

11.12.2023 -  

The current world of work is in constant flux: changes in structures, work intensification, complexity, uncertainty. Many development processes are realized through projects. New teams must constantly come together for a project, adapt to each other, work together in an interdisciplinary, multi-perspective and flexible manner. Project management has therefore become both an operational and a strategic management task. The extra-occupational Master's degree course in "Project Management and Team Development" (in German) prepares students for these tasks. One of the graduates is Paul-Gerhard Stieger, Managing Director of Gesellschaft zur Durchführung der Magdeburger Weihnachtsmärkte mbH, which also organizes the Magdeburger Lichterwelt: "The Magdeburg Christmas market is a complex event. Over 160 traders have to be coordinated with their huts, concerns and sensitivities. There are also safety, hygiene and marketing concepts. Of course, I was aware that the Christmas market is a project. But 'learning by doing' reaches its limits at some point. The course gave me additional skills for a systematic approach to projects. The two years of part-time study were well planned, but also positively demanding. It was exactly the right decision for me."

For people in project management and interface positions

"The course is aimed at specialists, junior staff and managers from all areas," explains course director Prof. Dr. Michael Dick from the Department of Vocational and Business Education. "It is aimed at people who act as project managers or work in interface positions in companies and organizations, as well as people returning to work, master craftsmen and women and working Bachelor's graduates." They gain a sound understanding and learn methods of leadership and team development as well as their interaction in order to be able to underpin this theoretically and scientifically. "The course includes topics from the social sciences and psychology, but also project organization, leadership or how to initiate learning and development processes and promote sustainability," explains Professor Dick. "Specific topics such as the working atmosphere, teamwork and cooperation within the company also play a role."

The degree program is part-time. It comprises four semesters and is divided into five modules and the Master's thesis. Three modules provide theoretical and practical training in project management methods, models and tools. The second part of the course focuses on team development, leadership and conflict management. Finally, research methods are taught and the Master's thesis is written under the supervision of experienced lecturers. Graduates complete the course with a Master of Arts degree.

Learning to recognize and manage critical situations

The program allows entry at different qualification levels with or without a first university degree. Previous work experience or professional training can be taken into account for admission. After the first year, the course can be completed with the "Project Management" certificate, after two years the Master's degree is awarded.

"At the end, graduates of the Master's course should be able to recognize and manage critical situations in projects," summarizes Professor Dick. "They assess the development of a project and its various dimensions and focus on the essentials. They are able to report convincingly on the goals, results and developments of a project, both orally and in writing, and they have the ability and willingness to take on leadership roles."

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