Election of a new Rector at the University of Magdeburg

26.10.2023 -  

The term of office of the rector of the OVGU ends on September 30, 2024. The Senate has therefore appointed a search committee to prepare the election of a rector, which is to develop an election proposal for the Senate.

Under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Peter Reichling, the commission, in implementation of § 27 para. 4 of the Basic Regulations of the OVGU, initially developed a text of the advertisement, which was published in German on the university's job portal and in relevant media. Due to the design of the preliminary procedure by the Basic Regulations, the commission can approach suitable persons for the office on its own initiative. In doing so, it accepts not only applications, but also suggestions (proposals) from third parties regarding persons suitable for the office. Such suggestions - in order to give the persons to be approached sufficient time to consider - are to be sent immediately and exclusively to the chairperson of the commission by e-mail.

Persons approached directly by the Commission must also officially apply for the office with reference to the public announcement within the application deadline (expiry: December 8, 2023).


Last Modification: 28.08.2024 - Contact Person: