Otto-von-Guericke Teaching Award 2024

In 2024, outstanding and exemplary achievements in teaching will once again be honoured with the Otto von Guericke University Teaching Award.

Which of the OVGU lecturers would you like to honour with the Teaching Award in the summer semester 2024?

 You can nominate all professors, deputy professors, research assistants and teaching staff for special tasks from OVGU degree programmes until 21 July 2024.

 What should you consider when making your decision?

 The lecturer has the ability to explain complex issues in such a way that they are easy to understand.

  • The teacher provides teaching materials that support different learning needs.
  • The teacher has the didactic skills to organise the course in a varied and interactive way.
  • The teacher continuously supports students throughout the semester.
  • The teacher is open to feedback from students and adapts the course to the different learning needs of the students.
  • The teacher teaches future-relevant skills and builds up relevant competences, future skills, in students. 

Nomination form - deadline up to and including 21. July 2024!

Who would you like to nominate?

Please give reasons for your choice.
Information about yourself.
Your first name*:  
Your last name*:  
Your faculty*:  
Your mail address*:  
Note on data protection.

With your nomination you agree to the following:

Your personal data may be used by Otto-von-Guericke University for the purpose of conducting the competition, for jury work, for honouring the prize-winner and for reporting on the prize-winner. The basis of the processing is Art. 6 para. 1 e (performance of a task in the public interest). Your data will not be passed on to third parties or third countries and will be deleted after 5 months.

*Mandatory field





Last Modification: 01.07.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster