Equal Opportunity & Diversity Network

The Equal Opportunity & Diversity Network at OVGU, whose mission statement commits it to the societal objective of defining and implementing equal opportunity conditions in training, education and employment, brings together the domains of equality, family, anti-discrimination and promoting young talent (Graduate Academy) under one umbrella, as well as acting as an interface for the Saxony-Anhalt Liaison Office for Gender Research & Equal Opportunities (KGC). The network was established in order to pool existing synergies and expertise more effectively in the individual areas and to increase visibility and bring into sharper focus the potential in the field of gender equality and diversity at OVGU.

The network aims to contribute to creating a prejudice-free working environment at OVGU. Irrespective of sex or gender identity, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or world view, disability, age, sexual orientation and identity, all members of OVGU should be able to participate and feel valued.

Until August 9, 2024, individuals, associations, initiatives, companies and municipalities can apply for the state equality prize, which is endowed with up to 1,000 euros.
All details here (only in German)

Apply now: Award for research on gender and equal opportunities announced

Deadline for applications: 31.08.2024

Further information at www.kgc-sachsen-anhalt.de

Call for photos in cooperation with the EU GREEN Network

The theme of the photo competition is "Unlimited: Your perspective on diversity and inclusion at OVGU"

Closing date for entries: June 18, 2024

Further information can be found here

Last Modification: 15.05.2024 - Contact Person: Anne Teller