Caroline Natzel

M.A. Caroline Natzel

Dezernat Akademisches Auslandsamt / International Office
Studierendenmobilität und internationale Studierende (K61)
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Universitätsplatz 2, 39106 Magdeburg, Campus Welcome Center (Building 01)

Ms. Natzel is responsible for...

Study abroad advising: ERASMUS programme
  • Advice and support for students and post-graduates wishing to undertake a semester or year of study abroad (ERASMUS exchange programmes)
  • Information on the ERASMUS mobility grant
  • General counselling regarding recognition of subjects and grades from studies abroad. For study-specific details, please contact your Examination Office.
Organization and support of the international summer schools
  • Information on OVGU's international summer schools on offer in a specific year
  • Organisation of summer school programmes
Consultation hours

Consultation hours :
Tuesday: 09 - 12 h (G01 Consultation Room East)
Wednesday:  13 - 15 h (G01 Consultation Room East)
Wednesday: 15 - 17 h (additional time slots, available for months October to January only)
Thursday: 09 - 12 h (09-11 h: G01 Consultation Room East, 11-12 h: G01 Atrium)
Friday: 09 - 10 h (G01 Consultation Room East)
Friday: 13 - 17 h (additional time slots, available for months October to January only)

Please observe new consultations hours (above) and our new offices in Building 01, Campus Welcome Center. When booking an appointment, please give your OVGU student e-mail address. If you wish counselling via zoom, as exception to the rule for consultation in presence, please indicate "zoom" in the remarks field.

If you cannot make use of the above consultation times, please ask for an individual appointment by email.

Last Modification: 15.07.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster