Angela Wittkamp

Dipl.-Verwaltungswissenschaftlerin Angela Wittkamp
Coordinator Erasmus Traineeships Saxony-Anhalt
International Office (K6)
International Office (K6)
Universitätsplatz 2,
39106 Magdeburg,
Campus Welcome Center (Building 01), Room 106
Ms. Wittkamp is coordinator of Erasmus Traineeships Saxony-Anhalt.
Further responsibilities:
- Advice on and organisation of outgoing placements in European countries for students, graduates and trainees from Saxony-Anhalt
- Support and arrangement of incoming placements in Saxony-Anhalt for students, graduates and trainees coming from Europe
- Awarding of scholarships (EU ERASMUS and LEONARDO programmes)
- Arrangement of placement places
- Assuring quality of international placements
- Project management of international mobility projects
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Available for you:
Mon, Tue and Thu from 9 a.m. to noon
and by appointment
Due to the current situation, we have established weekly online office hours. We are available online (via Zoom) on Tuesday between 1.30 p.m. and 3.30 p.m. Please have a little patience in the waiting room since only one person at a time is allowed in the consultation space because of data security rules.
Tuesdays, 1.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.