Faculty contacts

Further information can be found in the Doctoral Degree and Habilitation Regulations of the faculties of Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

Fakulty of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. -Ing. Martin Schünemann| Building 10, Room 115 | Tel. +49 (0)391 67-52952 | martin.schuenemann@ovgu.de
Faculty of Process & Systems Engineering
Kerstin Bernhard | Building 10, Room 104 | Tel. +49 (0)391 67-58442 | kerstin.bernhard@ovgu.de
Faculty of Electrical and Information Technology
Katharina Köpke | Building 09, Room 214 | Tel. +49 (0)391 67-58641 | feit@ovgu.de
Faculty of Computer Science
Jutta Warnecke-Timme | Building 29, Room 101 | Tel. +49 (0)391 67-58662 | timme@pa.cs.uni-magdeburg.de
Faculty of Mathematics
Peggy Stein | Building 02, Room 216 | Tel. +49 (0)391 67-58663 | buero-dekanat-fma@ovgu.de
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Daniela Vogt | Building 20, Room 301 | Tel. +49 (0)391 67-58670 | daniela.vogt@ovgu.de
Faculty of Medicine
Kerstin Schumacher | House 18, Room 327 | Tel. +49 (0)391 67-15751 | kerstin.schumacher@med.ovgu.de
Faculty of Humanities
Birgit Conrad | Building 40, Room 303 | Tel. +49 (0)391 67-56542 | birgit.conrad@ovgu.de
Faculty of Economics and Management
Anne-Katrin Michel | Building 22C, Room 008 | Tel. +49 (0)391 67-58584 | anne-katrin.michel@ovgu.de

Last Modification: 09.11.2023 - Contact Person: Webmaster