Current projects

2023 bis 2028 EU HORIZON Europe 3D Printing of Ultra-fideLity tissues using Space for anti-ageing solutions on Earth - Acronym - PULSE Bioprinting in Space is one of the novel promising and perspective research directions in the rapidly emerging field of biofabrication. There are several advantages of bioprinting in Space. First, under the conditions of microgravity, it is possible to bioprint constructs employing more fluidic channels and, thus, more biocompatible bio-inks. Second, microgravity conditions enable 3D bioprinting of tissue and organ constructs of more complex geometries with voids, cavities, and tunnels. Third, a novel scaffold-free, label-free, and nozzle-free technology based on multi-levitation principles can be implemented under the condition of microgravity. The ideal Space bioprinters must be safe, automated, compact, and user friendly. Thus, there are no doubts that systematic exploration of 3D bioprinting in Space will advance biofabrication and bioprinting technology per se. Vice versa 3D bioprinted tissues could be used to study pathophysiological biological phenomena when exposed to microgravity and cosmic radiation that will be useful on Earth to understand ageing conditioning of tissues, and in space for the crew of deep space manned missions. In PULSE, we aim at developing a radical new bioprinting technology based on multiple levitation principles and to use Space as an accelerator of ageing on Earth. As a proof of concept study, we will use this newly developed bioprinting technology to create cardiac 3D in vitro models able to better mimic cardiac physiology compared to organoids. We will use such models to study cardiac ageing and test the efficacy of antiinflammatory/ anti-oxidative drugs with anti-ageing potential. Leiter/-in: Daniela Grimm, Markus Wehland-von Trebra View project in the research portal
2023 bis 2028 EU HORIZON Europe Network for Evaluation of Propagation and Interference Training - MSCA Doctoral Networks The widespread use of modern communication systems, the higher penetration of automated systems in automotive engineering, surgery, high-tech machines etc., the higher complexity present in those interconnected systems and the higher dependence of modern society on technology, creates an urgent need to recruit and train researchers in electromagnetic compatibility. This interconnected systems-ofsystems are creating a complex electromagnetic environment in which interoperability of the electrical and electronic equipment has to be achieved. A highly trained cadre of engineers is required to lead in this area and the aim of this initiative is to train such people, connecting them to the industry for implementation of the new acquired and developed knowledge and experience. The NEPIT consortium has been brought together not only to train qualified researchers but also to provide the fundamental research that underpins future technological developments. The multidisciplinary multinational doctoral training program will provide the trainee researchers with a complete broad experience and at the same time allows them to develop and eventually lead their focused area of research. The program will focus on the development of novel methods to model, simulate, design, evaluate and test complex systems for electromagnetic compatibility., NEPIT will also develop corrective economic measures for safe, reliable, efficient and greener complex systems. Specific innovations expected to be achieved through NEPIT are methodologies to optimize the design, to reduce risks, and to improve the testing of complex high-tech systems. Dissemination methods to realize optimal impact will include scientific publications, presentations and workshops, summer schools, training of engineers within industry as well as communication through newsletters, interviews, school visits, websites and social media. Leiter/-in: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Vick View project in the research portal
2024 bis 2027 EU HORIZON Europe sd.,fms.fd.s,fdm.sd,fms.,dfm sfdsfsdfsdf sfdsfsdfsdf sfdsfsdfsdf sfdsfsdfsdf sfdsfsdfsdf sfdsfsdfsdf sfdsfsdfsdf sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf, sfdsfsdfsdf Leiter/-in: Olena Stamann View project in the research portal
2023 bis 2027 EU HORIZON Europe European Glaucoma Research Training Program - Advancing the Approach of Advanced Glaucoma - "EGRET-aaa" EGRET-AAA is a joint doctorate program to provide training in glaucoma research, leading to joint doctoral degrees for 15 ESRs. It converts existing partnerships between universities into long-lasting ones. Together with many private and societal partners, our consortium forms a cradle for a European network of highly skilled, resilient, entrepreneurial and creative researchers, who will inspire each other to excel in glaucoma research, both during and long after the funding period., EGRET-AAA will produce innovative treatments to protect and restore vision in patients with progressive eye disease glaucoma. By using revolutionary human retinal organoids, we will accelerate the development of new treatments and bring gene therapy and stem cell-based approaches a major step closer to clinical implementation, while minimizing the need for animal research. Through our findings, we will be able to protect the regenerated eye-brain connections and develop diagnostic techniques to select patients suitable for treatment and to evaluate intervention effects. By doing so, we will ultimately save approximately 1 million Europeans from blindness, and another 5 million from significant vision loss, thereby increasing their quality of life, and dramatically reducing societal and health care costs., Through our interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral training, the 15 ESRs will gain essential skills and assets for success in a broad range of careers in academia and beyond. Based on our previous experience gained on multiple training networks, we believe that this timely program provides an in- depth graduate research training environment of unrivalled quality and pertinence, far greater and better than the sum of its parts. By anticipating continued demand for the skills and experience of our ESRs, we see EGRET-AAA as the precursor of a permanent and sustainable glaucoma- focused European doctoral program. Leiter/-in: Michael B. Hoffmann View project in the research portal
2023 bis 2026 EU HORIZON Europe Metallic phase change material‐composites for thermal energy management Thermal Energy Storage (TES) systems can give strategic contribution to efficiency and flexibility of intermittent power sourcesof various nature, but their temporal modulation up to long charge-discharge cycles passes through the tuning the thermal properties of the materials exchanging heat with fluids in TES systems.M-TES project proposes an innovative approach to manufacture by a low-cost one step process, granules of composite metallic Phase Change Materials, m-PCMs. Thus m-PCMs are form stable over the time. They can be tailored in term of enthalpy-temperature relationships and heat transfer properties, and mixed in different amounts to meet the local material requirement for flexible TES systems.The 3-year M-TES project will be focused on immiscible alloy systems based on recycled Al-Si casting alloys and Sn, with no need of Critical Raw Material, adding a new option for re-use and recycle them. M-TES project will: (I) identify thermophysical requirements form-pcms service, (II) study alloys surface and wetting properties to support the (III) study of suitable process conditions, (iv) obtainthermal/mechanical granule properties. A grained system will be tested as proof-of-concept, and (VI) its mechanical and heat transfer potential will be modeled to support further development, toward higher TRL and other alloys. The multidisciplinary project objectives will be accomplished thanks to the knowledge/equipment complementarity of partners: POLIMI, CNR, KIT, OVGU. They will work in strict interaction within and between WPs. The young researchers hired for the project will be forged to curious multidisciplinary and deep understanding. M-TES dissemination plan will spread results preferring openactivities, starting from scientific papers/conferences, widening to open science events for technicians/PhD students, up to the, general public. Leiter/-in: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Konstantin Naumenko View project in the research portal
2022 bis 2026 EU HORIZON Europe MELISSA Projekt MobilE artificiaL Intelligence Solution for DiabeteS Adapted care Achieving near-normal glycaemic control remains to be challenging for the vast majority of people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes on intensive insulin treatment, despite advances in insulin delivery and glucose monitoring technology over the past decades. Daily insulin requirements of people with diabetes are dynamic due to major influence of known factors such as carbohydrate intake, physical activity, concurrent health conditions and various unknown factors including mood and variability in insulin absorption. While the effect of some of the known factors can partly be mitigated by the patients adjusting their daily insulin dosing, the effect of other (known and unknown) factors remain an obstacle to achievement of optimal glycaemic control and quality of life due to hyper- and hypoglycaemic excursions resulting from ‘erroneous’ insulin dosing. Consequently, many patients with diabetes do not reach recommended glycaemic targets and remain at increased risk of developing devastating late-diabetic complications. At present, systems for decision support with regards to daily insulin dosing for patients treated with Multiple Daily Injections (MDI) are limited to the coverage of basal insulin requirements and to simple bolus calculators of meal-related insulin administration working with fixed algorithms based on carbohydrate intake, correction factors and insulin on board. Enhancement of algorithms by Artificial Intelligence (AI) may have a considerable potential to further qualify daily decision-making for many people with diabetes by compensating for the effect of factors, which are not manageable to the patient, affecting the insulin need. Preliminary work based on in-silico simulations (preclinical validation) has shown that the AI-powered adaptive basal bolus algorithm in the MELISSA platform considerably improved glycaemic outcomes of people with already reasonably-well controlled type 1 diabetes., The proposed MELISSA project entails a large-scale randomised controlled clinical trial conducted in several European countries. The primary objective of the MELISSA study is to demonstrate superiority of glycaemic control as compared to the standard(s) of care not using AI-powered decision making with the primary endpoint being improvement of time-in-range and a range of clinically relevant secondary endpoints. Leiter/-in: Prof. Dr. Peter R. Mertens View project in the research portal
2020 bis 2026 EU HORIZON Europe 3D-printing of PARTiculate FORMulations utilizing polymer microparticle-based voxels New polymer materials are necessary to match the demand for highly integrated, multifunctional, responsive systems for sensing, information processing, soft robotics or multi-parametric implants. Both established material design concepts based on lithography, and emerging engineering efforts based on additive manufacturing (AM) are currently not able to fully address the need for topologically complex, multifunctional and stimuli-responsive polymer materials. This proposal aims at establishing a radically new approach for polymer material design, rethinking AM on both material and process level. Here, functionality will be already embedded at the building block level to emerge into larger scales. The exact methodology relies on polymer microparticles as a novel material basis with arbitrary geometry, function, mechanics and responsiveness. These microparticulate formulations will serve as predefined, voxel-like building blocks in AM yielding hierarchical assemblies with spatially defined voxel position and programmable, adaptive properties, which clearly go beyond existing functional material classes., With that, 3DPartForm will address the current lack of additive manufacturing providing multifunctional, stimuli-responsive materials, in which not only strongly different, but most importantly functional building blocks with intrinsic time axis will be processed into true 4D-polymer multimaterials. Products emerging from this approach will reach a previously unknown level of system integration, where optical transparency, electric and thermal conductivity as well as diffusivity and mechanical rigidity will become spatiotemporally tunable at single-voxel level. Coupled sensing and actuation operations will be realized by processing, transforming and manipulating single or combined input stimuli within these materials in the focus of 3DPartform, and platforms for biomimetics and cell-free biotechnology will be implemented as a long-term goal. Leiter/-in: Julian Thiele View project in the research portal
2021 bis 2025 EU HORIZON Europe Körpergedächtnis (Body Memory) In diesem Projekt werden moderne Verfahren der Bildgebung kombiniert mit virtueller Realität um zu verstehen, wie negative Körpererinnerungen sich auf somatische Symptome und mentale Gesundheit auswirken. Leiter/-in: Esther Kühn View project in the research portal
2021 bis 2025 EU HORIZON Europe Holistic Fire Management Ecosystem for Prevention, Detection and Restoration of Environmental Disasters Akronym:, TREEADS, Title:, A Holistic Fire Management Ecosystem for Prevention, Detection and Restoration of Environmental Disasters, German Pilot Project:, Fire Science of wildfires and safety measures, A direct consequence of climate change are longer drier periods of drought, even in countries which traditionally had a lot of rain, e.g., in Germany. The German provinces Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg are two of the most affected by extreme dryness in Germany. Concurrently dry summers have led to substantial amounts of dry biomass and increasing damage due to insects and diseases. Extreme weather as heavy rain and storms have led to additional damage in the forests., A direct consequence of climate change are longer drier periods of drought, even in countries which traditionally had a lot of rain, e.g., in Germany. The German provinces Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg are two of the most affected by extreme dryness in Germany. Concurrently dry summers have led to substantial amounts of dry biomass and increasing damage due to insects and diseases. Extreme weather as heavy rain and storms have led to additional damage in the forests., Figure1Dryness of ground in Germany in September 2020, darker colour - severer dryness, [1], In Germany about 32 % of the surface area is covered by forests. In Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg, a sizeable percentage of the forest vegetation is composed of pine trees which can survive on poor soils. Efforts are being made to change the diversity of the forests to ensure survival and enhance robustness. Often the forests are part of conservation areas with strict protection rules against contamination and damage. Over the past five years these regions have seen fires that are growing in number, severity and affected area. The dryness monitor for Germany shows that Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg are some of the driest parts of Germany. Most fires in both provinces have been ground fires which are dependent on dryness and dead organic material. It is crucial to understand the mechanisms of fire spread in ground fires for these areas with their habitat and vegetation under the growing influence of dryness and damaged vegetation. To achieve this, experiments in medium and large scale are undertaken using ground specimen up to several square meters, to evaluate the dependence of the fire spread on various kinds of vegetation as well as different amounts of organic mass in the ground and dryness. Smoke production and smoke toxicity depend on the combustion conditions - availability of oxygen, and heat transfer, as well as the kind of vegetation that burns. Better understanding these mechanisms allows for more precise prediction of fire and smoke development which is crucial for assessing and improving firefighting tactics. A catalogue of different wildfire scenarios is to be developed and is the basis for recommendations of firefighting measures. On the one hand water is argued to be the most eco-friendly extinguisher. On the other hand, substantial amounts of water are often necessary, especially in ground fires. Additives can lead to a significant increase in volume and therefore help to preserve water which is a valuable resource in dry areas. Effective extinguishment reduces damage as it is important to assess both: the damage to the ecosystem due to the fire itself and the extinguishment method. It is expected that different extinguishment methods and firefighting measures are necessary for different fire scenarios and depend on vegetation, weather, topography, and area. In an area with restrictive conservation rules other measures and extinguishment agents might be applicable than in an industry wood area. Pollution of air, ground and water are to be assessed. Smoke production of these fires is a health risk for fire fighters as well as for inhabitants of villages close to forest areas. Safety measures and guidelines for situations with high smoke production, smoke movement and dispersion are fundamental for safety of fire fighters and inhabitants. Evacuation of villages are a strong measure and must be assessed to give guidelines when it is necessary to undertake them. Leiter/-in: Dr.-Ing. Andrea Klippel View project in the research portal
2021 bis 2025 EU HORIZON Europe European Training and Research Program in Translational Vision Science to ensure Optimal support of Visually Impaired Individuals through Tests and Tools of Functional Vision - "OPTIVIST" Als Hauptanliegen verfolgt OptiVisT die Ausweitung der sozialen Teilhabe von Personen mit Sehbeeintra¨chtigungen durch innovative und umfassende Versorgung. Dazu beno¨tigen wir sowohl neue Erkenntnisse als auch innovative Testmethoden um funktionelle Aspekte der Sehleistung zu bestimmen, zu trainieren und zu vergro¨ßern. Folglich werden transla- tionale Sehforscher beno¨tigt mit einer Expertise in Sehforschung, Technologie und Ge- sundheitsversorgung. Solche Wissenschaftler sind zwar gefragt, aber selten, da es aktuell kein entsprechendes Experten-Trainingsprogramm gibt., Durch OptiVisT werden 15 Nachwuchsforschende (ESRs) ausbildet, die zur na¨chsten Gene- ration von Spezialisten fu¨r translationale Sehforschung werden und fu¨hrende Positionen im Gesundheitswesen, der Industrie oder in der Wissenschaft einnehmen ko¨nnen. Sie werden lernen, visuelle Anforderungen von Aktivita¨ten des ta¨glichen Lebens zu quantifi- zieren und ihre neuen Erkenntnisse nutzen, um objektive, effektive und benutzerfreund- liche Tests und Werkzeuge fu¨r das funktionale Sehen zu entwerfen. Experten bezu¨glich Anwendung, Evaluation und Valorisierung von Lo¨sungsansa¨tzen werden sicherstellen, dass unsere ESRs auch wissen, wie sie ihre neuen Tests und Werkzeuge in der realen Welt zum Erfolg fu¨hren ko¨nnen. Diese Fa¨higkeiten sind dringend erforderlich, um die Hinder- nisse zu beseitigen, die derzeit den Fortschritt im Bereich der translationalen Sehforschung einschra¨nken. Durch unser innovatives Forschungsprogramm werden die ESR das Leben von Millionen von Menschen mit Sehbehinderung in Europa verbessern ko¨nnen, indem sie ihre Mo¨glichkeiten zu arbeiten, Sport zu treiben und an einer breiteren Gesellschaft teilzunehmen, weitgehend verbessern. Leiter/-in: Michael B. Hoffmann View project in the research portal
2022 bis 2027 EU - HORIZONT 2020 MEDICODE - The Medial Frontal Cortex in Cognitive Control and Decision Making: Anatomy, Connectivity, Representations, Causal Contributions THE ROLE OF THE MEDIAL FRONTAL CORTEX IN COGNITIVE CONTROL AND DECISION-MAKING: ANATOMY, CONNECTIONS, REPRESENTATIONS, CAUSALITY, Using cognitive control, people flexibly adapt their behaviour to achieve their goals of action in a changing world. Despite intensive research, there is still no overarching understanding of the mechanisms of cognitive control and its underlying main structure, the posterior medial frontal cortex (pMFC). This is due to the insufficient consideration of the neuroanatomy of the pMFC, its subregions and individual variability, the low sensitivity of group studies, the scarcity of causal evidence in humans, and the use of diverse research methods and paradigms in heterogeneous studies, which makes it difficult to differentiate general principles of cognitive control from study-specific idiosyncrasies. The project aims to solve these problems with two completely new approaches:, A) So-called dense sampling, the comprehensive collection of behavioural, imaging, EEG, eye movement and peripheral physiological data in multiple studies of the same subject as they perform cognitive control demanding tasks, allows variables of cognitive control to be quantified directly or via computer modelling. Multivariate analysis procedures are used to identify general as well as task- and modality-specific representations of these variables and to create a functional mapping of the subregions of the pMFC. The basic idea is that general principles of cognitive control over tasks and context should generalise and always be represented in a similar way., B) The new non-invasive brain stimulation with transcranial focused ultrasound (tFUS) allows influencing neuronal activity with unprecedented spatial resolution. In combination with EEG and imaging, tFUS will reveal the necessity of sub-areas of the pMFC and some sub-cortical network partners for cognitive control., In the medium term, this project will open new avenues for studying individual differences and pathological changes in cognitive control., This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 101018805). Leiter/-in: Markus Ullsperger View project in the research portal
2021 bis 2025 EU - HORIZONT 2020 PETAL - Positron Emission Tomography for Agriculture and Life Um die Ernährungssicherheit zu garantieren, muss die Getreideproduktion dem Bedarf der wachsenden Bevölkerung und der Nachfrage nach Futtermitteln und Biotreibstoffen angepasst sein. Eine der derzeitigen Herausforderungen liegt im Klimawandel. Er verursacht im Getreide abiotischen und biotischen Stress, was sich auf Wachstum und Ertrag auswirkt. Mithilfe von Positronen-Emissions-Tomografie wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt PETAL frühe Veränderungen im CO2-Stoffwechsel und Wassertransport im Weizen messen, die von Stress verursacht werden. Die im Projekt entstehenden einzigartigen Datensätze werden analysiert und daraus neue messbare Größen bestimmt, die sich in frühen Phasen der Pflanzenentwicklung aufgrund von Stress verändern. Anschließend soll daraus eine Plattform entwickelt werden, die der Landwirtschaft Dienste für eine frühzeitige Analyse des Weizenwachstums bietet. Leiter/-in: Georg Rose View project in the research portal
2024 bis 2025 EU - HORIZONT 2020 NGI Search: SCION Browser SCION is a path-aware inter-domain network architecture that provides applications and users opportunities to optimise data transport over the Internet. This project aims to integrate SCION into the Brave web browser to enable path-aware retrieval of web resources., However, finding the most suitable paths is a challenging problem. This browser will use PANAPI to automatically find the corresponding paths, optimising application- and user-based metrics such as overall page load time, latency, bandwidth, privacy, and CO2 footprint according to the application's needs and user's preferences set in the browser. Additionally, it will also integrate support for RHINE into the Brave browser. Leiter/-in: David Hausheer View project in the research portal

Completed projects

2023 bis 2025 EU HORIZON Europe COGSTIM: Online Computational Modulation of Visual Perception. HORIZON TMA MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship - European Fellowship for Dr. Corentin Gaillard:, Computational models of vision often address problems that have a single and definite end-point, such as visual recognition: an example of this might be to find a ripe banana in a complex scene. However, not all computation is of this form. Visual information is processed continuously in sensory areas and the nervous system has the capacity to alter or halt an ongoing behavioural response to changes in incoming information. We can therefore react flexibly to updated sensory input or changed requirements for motor output. On the other hand, these same neuronal mechanisms must also support perceptual stability, so that noisy signals do not cause loss of a crucial goal. In project COGSTIM, I will investigate the functional neuronal networks that support the balance between perceptual flexibility and stability, within primate visual areas. I will use a highly innovative approach, combining dense electrophysiological recording with online (real-time) decoding of neuronal correlates of the subject’s perceptual choice, based on adaptive machine-learning algorithms. In order to control visual perception effectively and predictably, closed-loop electrical stimulation will be applied under dynamically adjusted feedback to identified neuronal circuits that causally modulate associated percepts. Crucially, this novel approach using joint decoding and stimulation in real time will allow me to target dynamically visual percepts, representing a significant advance in our understanding of on-going, continuous computations of the primate brain. Such developments offer promising bases for the future development of rehabilitative therapeutical protocols, as well as innovative brain machine interfaces suitable for real-world use. Leiter/-in: Corentin Gaillard, Kristine Krug View project in the research portal
2023 bis 2024 EU HORIZON Europe SBAS: A Secure Underlay for the Internet Modern secure Internet routing solutions, like Border Gateway Protocol-Security (BGPsec) and Scalability, Control and Isolation On Next-generation networks (SCION), remain under deployed. Addressing this gap, the SBAS project presents an innovative approach, integrating it as a unified virtual AS within the prevailing BGP-oriented Internet. Through this, SBAS aims to provide hundreds of thousands of users with secure routing via the established SCION network., Tackling key challenges:, Sustainability: Using SCION's path-aware infrastructure, SBAS offers optimized "green" routing, minimizing the Internet's carbon footprint., Cross-Atlantic Digital Governance: Unlike the traditional singular trust model, SCION promotes individualized trust-based connections. SBAS, leveraging SCION, fosters secure cross-border data interactions for regular Internet users., Data Security and Privacy: In today's Internet, control vulnerabilities and hijacking are concerns. SCION introduces defined sovereign Internet regions, and SBAS, built atop it, ensures data sovereignty and geo-fencing while resisting hijacking attacks, all without compromising global communication., The project's core goal is deploying and evaluating SBAS across the operational SCION network, enriching secure routing access for a vast user base. To materialize this, we'll establish SBAS Points of Presence (PoPs) within SCION, serving as a foundation for experiments and performance evaluations, underscoring SBAS's advancements in security and efficiency. Leiter/-in: David Hausheer View project in the research portal
2021 bis 2024 EU HORIZON Europe Development of an efficient steganalysis framework for uncovering hidden data in digital media (UNCOVER) Criminals and terrorists use more and more data hiding methods (steganography) for concealing incriminating information in innocent-looking digital media files such as images, video, audio, and text files. UNCOVERs main objective is to fill existing gaps in the ability of Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) for detecting the presence of such hidden information (i.e. steganalysis). To carry out a full investigation into criminal and terrorist activities, LEAs currently use available (commercial) tools to detect hidden information in collected digital media. However, these tools detect only a limited number of hiding methods, are slow, and offer no indication of confidence. Moreover, many commercial tools lag a decade behind the scientific state-of-the-art. The members of UNCOVER are committed to bridge these gaps and thus substantially increase the technological autonomy of LEAs in the field of digital media steganalysis. With its consortium of 22 partners including LEAs, forensic institutes, leading researchers working at universities and research institutions, as well as industrial companies, UNCOVER sets out to outperform available steganalysis solutions in terms of performance (number of detectable steganographic methods, detection accuracy), usability, operational needs, privacy protection, and chain-of-custody considerations. The developed detection and investigation tools will be integrated into a flexible and user-friendly platform. End-users play a key role throughout the project cycle: from proposal writing over analysis of user requirements and tools development through the final evaluation. In particular, regular feedback cycles with LEAs, forensics institutes and external stakeholders will ensure that the developed solutions can be integrated into the daily criminal investigation pipeline of LEAs. A set of clearly defined Key Performance Indicators allows an objective evaluation of progress and end results against the defined objectives. Leiter/-in: Jana Dittmann View project in the research portal
2019 bis 2023 EU HORIZON Europe 3D imaging calibration on granular flow of anisotropic, cohesive and soft particles. In the CALIPER project, experimental and numerical methods for describing the behavior of granular materials in various applications are being developed and tested. In subproject 12, the focus is on the application of non-invasive imaging techniques (MRI, X-ray CT) to observe the internal structure and dynamics of ensembles of granular particles. A characteristic aspect of our investigations is the characterization of soft granular particles, i.e. particles in which the elasticity of the individual particles exerts a significant influence on the dynamics of the entire ensemble., This text was translated with DeepL Leiter/-in: Prof. Dr. Ralf Stannarius View project in the research portal
2022 bis 2022 EU HORIZON Europe Leveraging Path Diversity to Enhance Resilience, Scalability and Energy-Efficiency with SCION SCION is a novel NGI architecture that has reached a level of maturity, which renders it ready today for large-scale deployment. The objective is to deploy SCION over the NSF BRIDGES infrastructure over two very high-speed transatlantic links and validate its characteristics. This project will demonstrate the SCION benefits by means of experiments between the US and Europe over the SCIONLab testbed to show the privacy-enhancement (e.g., by splitting traffic over multiple paths) and improved reliability (e.g. with multi-path and seamless path failover) over SCION, as well as the scalability of our SCION-based path discovery mechanisms which help to effectively reduce the network’s power consumption and incentivize ISPs and transit providers to shift towards greener electricity. Leiter/-in: David Hausheer View project in the research portal
2021 bis 2024 EU - HORIZONT 2020 Horizont 2020, Marie S. Curie Individual Fellowships Das Ziel dieses Projekts ist es, einen neuartigen Rahmen für die rechnerisch effiziente und genaue Simulation von Zweiphasenströmen bereitzustellen, indem die Reihenfolge der Darstellung der Schnittstelle in dem geometrischen VOF-Verfahren von linear bis quadratisch erhöht wird. Dies ermöglicht einen genauen Transport von dritter Ordnung, und eine genaue genaue Schätzung der an der Grenzfläche wirkenden Oberflächenspannungskraft, wodurch Fehler auf eine Weise reduziert wird, die bisher nicht erreicht wurde. Darüber hinaus werden diese Schemata entwickelt, so dass sie auf komplexe Domänen angewendet werden können, was ebenfalls eine Begrenzung vorhandener Verfahren ist, die typischerweise nur in der Lage sind, zweiphasige Flüsse in rechteckigen Strömungsdomänen genau zu simulieren. Das Ergebnis der vorgeschlagenen Forschung ist zweifach. Erstens erhöht die Reihenfolge der Genauigkeit der vorherrschenden zweiphasigen Durchflussmodelliermethode - das VOF-Verfahren - ergibt genauere Simulationsergebnisse. Zweitens erlaubt die vorgeschlagene Arbeit auch die Berücksichtigung komplexer, realistischer Flussdomänen. Leiter/-in: Berend van Wachem View project in the research portal
2020 bis 2024 EU - HORIZONT 2020 SINFONIA -Radiation risk appraisal for detrimental effects from medical exposure during management of patients with lymphoma or brain tumour The overall objective of the 4-year SINFONIA project is to develop novel research methodologies and tools that will provide a comprehensive appraisal of the risk for detrimental effects to patients, workers, the public and the environment from radiation exposure during management of patients suspected or diagnosed with lymphoma and brain tumours., SINFONIA will develop novel tools and methodologies that will be demonstrated on two suitable clinical examples i.e. lymphoma and brain tumours. However, SINFONIA research outcomes are not confined to the two specific types of diseases. Some of the procedures performed on lymphoma and brain tumour patients are also carried out on patients with other diseases and SINFONIA radiation dose and risk appraisal methods developed for these two groups of patients will be applicable to other diseases Leiter/-in: Prof. Dr. Christoph Hoeschen View project in the research portal
2020 bis 2023 EU - HORIZONT 2020 UNITI - Unification of Treatments and Interventions for Tinnitus Patients WE STAND UNIT(I)ED AGAINST TINNITUS!, Tinnitus is the perception of a phantom sound and the patient s reaction to it. Although much progress has been made, tinnitus remains a scientific and clinical enigma of high prevalence and high economic burden. It affects more than 10% of the general population, whereas 1% of the population considers tinnitus their major health issue. Recent cohort studies show that tinnitus prevalence tends to increase over time and with older age. Assuming that there is no cure to be found, the prevalence estimates in Europe would double by 2050. A large variety of patient characteristics - including genotyping, aetiology, and phenotyping - are poorly understood, because integrated systems approaches are still missing to correlate patient`s characteristics to predict responses to combinatorial therapies. Although genetic causes of tinnitus have been neglected for decades, recent findings of genetic analysis in specific subgroups (gender and phenotype) have highlighted that bilateral tinnitus in men reached a heritability of 0.68.This heritability is close to autism, schizophrenia and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). There is no current consensus on tinnitus treatment., UNITI s overall aim is to deliver a predictive computational model based on existing and longitudinal data attempting to address the question which treatment approach is optimal for a specific patient based on specific parameters. Clinical, epidemiological, medical, genetic and audiological data, including signals reflecting ear-brain communication, will be analysed from existing databases. Predictive factors for different patient groups will be extracted and their prognostic relevance will be tested in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in which different groups of patients will undergo a combination of therapies targeting the auditory and central nervous systems. Leiter/-in: Prof. Myra Spiliopoulou View project in the research portal
2020 bis 2023 EU - HORIZONT 2020 AUGMENTED COOPERATION IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN NUCLEAR AND RADIOCHEMISTRY (A-CINCH) Expertise in nuclear and radiochemistry (NRC) is of strategic relevance in the nuclear energy sector and in many vital applications. The need for radiochemistry expertise will even increase as the focus shifts from safe nuclear power plant operation to decontamination and decommissioning, waste management and environmental monitoring. The non-energy fields of NRC applications are even much broader ranging from life sciences - radiopharmaceuticals, radiological diagnostics and therapy - through dating in geology and archaeology, (nuclear) forensics and safeguards operations, to radiation protection and radioecology. The A-CINCH project primarily addresses the loss of the young generation's interest for nuclear knowledge by focusing on secondary / high school students and teachers and involving them by the "Learn through Play” concept. This will be achieved by bringing advanced educational techniques such as state-of-the- art 3D virtual reality NRC laboratory, Massive Open Online Courses, RoboLab distance operated robotic experiments, Interactive Screen Experiments, NucWik database of teaching materials, or Flipped Classroom, into the NRC education. All the new and existing tools wrapped-up around the A-CINCH HUB - a user-friendly and easy-to-navigate single point of access - will contribute increasing the number of students and trainees in the field of nuclear and radiochemistry. Nuclear awareness will be further increased by the High School Teaching Package, Summer Schools for high school students, Teach the Teacher package and many others. Additionally, successful educational and training tools from previous projects will be continued and further developed. Networking is an important part of the project, facilitated by having ENEN as one of the partners and by having structural links with other Euratom projects, the EuChemS, the NRC-Network as well as by additional links with other end users and stakeholders including the high schools. Leiter/-in: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Preim View project in the research portal
2020 bis 2023 EU - HORIZONT 2020 EURAMED rocc-n-roll - EURopeAn MEDical application and Radiation prOteCtion Concept: strategic research agenda aNd ROadmap interLinking to heaLth and digitisation aspects Radiation protection in medical applications is well established throughout Europe, however still facing challenges like large differences in procedures between countries, but even within a country or even within a hospital. In addition, new promising approaches like new technologies as e.g. artificial intelligence or personalized medicine approaches need to be investigated regarding their potential for medical radiation protection. The European Alliance for Medical Radiation Protection Research (EURAMED) platform has been found to promote such research in the EC research programme . Together with five other platforms research in the field of radiation protection is promoted basically in the EURATOM framework. Acknowledging the importance of medical applications as the largest man-made source of exposure and the great possibilities of applying ionizing radiation in medicine the EURATOM programme has launched a call for a coordination and support action to develop a strategic research agenda (SRA) on medical applications of ionizing radiation in general allowing to improve links to other programs like HEALTH or DIGITALIZATION., A consortium called EURAMED rocc-n-roll has been put together to fulfil the task of developing such an SRA partially based on the existing EURAMED SRA on medical radiation protection. In addition it will also develop a roadmap describing how this research agenda can be implemented. An interlink document showing the potential distributions of the different European research programmes to such defined approaches will also be developed. All these documents need to be derived based on a broad consensus of all stakeholders especially also including the patients’ perspective. Therefore, EURAMED rocc-n-roll is based on a series of workshops and writing panels. The workshops will allow contributions by interested stakeholders in person or through members of the consortium., OvGU is serving as the scientific coordinator of the project. Leiter/-in: Christoph Hoeschen View project in the research portal
2021 bis 2022 EU - HORIZONT 2020 PANAPI: Path Aware Networking Application Programming Interface Design and Implementation The PANAPI (Path Aware Networking API) project will design a sophisticated host-based network-path selection engine on top of the SCION network architecture, and provide it as an open source implementation of the abstract next-generation transport service API currently being drafted in the IETF TAPS Working Group., PANAPI will provide a powerful and extensible framework for automatic path property measurements, path quality evaluation, and optimized path selection, complete with automatic load balancing and failure recovery in a PAN environment, all hidden behind upcoming standard application-facing API abstractions., Our work will empower a large community of developers interested in adding PAN support to their, applications. Incorporation of developer feedback, permissive open source licensing, close collaboration with PAN architects on the PANAPI implementation, and engagement with the IETF community about front end API compatibility and best practices are among our most important priorities. Leiter/-in: David Hausheer View project in the research portal
2018 bis 2022 EU - HORIZONT 2020 Improving neuropsychological functions and clinical course in children and adolescents with ADHD with anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) of the prefrontal cortex: a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled, parallel group trial using an uncertified class IIa device Kinder und Jugendliche mit einer Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) haben insbesondere in der Schule Schwierigkeiten, sich über einen längeren Zeitraum zu konzentrieren und ihr Verhalten zu steuern. Dabei fällt es ihnen oft schwer Dinge auszublenden, die für die eigentliche Aufgabe nicht wichtig sind. In der vorliegenden klinischen Studie wollen wir untersuchen, ob durch wiederholte, sogenannte transkranielle Gleichstromstimulation (tDCS) über der vorderen Hirnrinde (Frontallappen) Aufmerksamkeits- und Verhaltenskontrolle bedeutsam und langfristig verbessert werden können., Die Wirksamkeit dieser Methode soll dabei mit Hilfe verschiedener Computer-Tests, Fragebögen und eines Elektroenzephalogramms (EEG), das die Hirnaktivität aufzeichnet, überprüft werden. So möchten wir ermitteln, ob die Gleichstromstimulation bei der Behandlung von ADHS hilfreich sein kann, und ob diese Methode für bestimmte Kinder und Jugendliche besonders gut oder nicht gut geeignet ist. Neben dem EEG werden wir auch die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) einsetzen, um Veränderungen der Gehirnaktivität durch Stimulation besser zu verstehen und um zu überprüfen, ob Unterschiede in der Gehirnstruktur den Erfolg der Stimulation beeinflussen., Die Studie wird an mehreren Orten in Deutschland (Bielefeld, Frankfurt, Kiel, Magdeburg) und Portugal (Coimbra) durchgeführt; insgesamt sollen ungefähr 200 Kinder und Jugendliche an der Studie teilnehmen. Die Studie wird durch das EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation Horizont 2020 gefördert und ist Teil eines europäischen Gemeinschaftsprojekts (Grant Agreement Nr. 731827, Sti, mulation in, Ped, iatrics, STIPED, ). Sie wird veranlasst und organisiert durch die Medizinische Fakultät der Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, den sogenannten Sponsor dieser Studie (DRKS00012659). Leiter/-in: apl. Prof. Dr. Kerstin Krauel View project in the research portal
2017 bis 2022 EU - HORIZONT 2020 STIPED: Transcranial brain stimulation as innovative therapy for chronic pediatric neuropsychiatric disorder Transkranielle Hirnstimulation als innovative Therapie bei ADHS und Autismus, Die transkranielle Gleichstromstimulation (tDCS) wird als innovative, effektive und sichere Alternative in der Behandlung neuropsychiatrischer Erkrankungen bei Erwachsenen bereits erfolgreich eingesetzt. Bei dieser Methode wird die Erregbarkeit bestimmter Gehirnbereiche durch einen schwachen Gleichstrom gezielt beeinflusst. Im vorliegenden Projekt soll erstmals systematisch untersucht werden, ob auch bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) und Autismus-Spektrum-Störung (ASD) mit Hilfe der transkraniellen Gleichstromstimulation eine Verbesserung kognitiver Funktionen und eine Verringerung klinischer Symptome erreicht werden kann., Im ersten Projektabschnitt wird in drei randomisierten, doppelblinden und sham-kontrollierten Studien bei ADHS und ASD untersucht, welche Veränderungen (Effektstärken) sich durch die Stimulation störungsrelevanter Hirnregionen in zentralen kognitiven Parametern erzielen lassen. In einer Stichprobe gesunder Kinder und Jugendlicher wird weiterhin überprüft, wie sich strukturelle und funktionelle Veränderungen im Lauf der Entwicklung auf die Wirksamkeit von tDCS auswirken. Durch den Einsatz moderner Verfahren der Neurophysiologie, Bildgebung (MRT) und Computersimulation kann untersucht werden, welche individuellen Merkmale Vorhersagen über den Stimulationserfolg erlauben und welche Wirkmechanismen der tDCS sich bei Kindern und Jugendlichen identifizieren lassen. Für viele Familien sind häufige Besuche in einer Klinik oft nur schwer umsetzbar. Deshalb wird im Rahmen des Projekts eine Stimulationseinheit entwickelt, die die sichere und einfache Anwendung der Gleichstrombehandlung durch die Eltern erlaubt. Die Wirksamkeit dieses home-based Behandlungsansatzes wird im letzten Projektabschnitt in einer randomisierten, doppelblinden und sham-kontrollierten Studie untersucht. Weiterhin stehen die ethischen Aspekte der tDCS-Behandlung im Fokus des Projekts. Hierfür werden die Einstellungen, Erwartungen und Bedenken gegenüber transkranieller Elektrostimulation von Kindern und Jugendlichen und ihre Eltern über den gesamten Projektzeitraum erfasst., Das Projekt wird gefördert durch das EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation Horizont 2020 (Grant Agreement Nr. 731827). Leiter/-in: apl. Prof. Dr. Kerstin Krauel View project in the research portal
2017 bis 2022 EU - HORIZONT 2020 EUROlinkCAT: Establishing a linked European Cohort of Children with Congenital Anomalies Europaweite Vernetzung, der, Daten, zu, angeborenen Anomalien, bei, Kindern, Über 130.000 Kinder, die jedes Jahr in Europa geboren werden, haben eine angeborene Fehlbildung (CA). Diese Anomalien oder Fehlbildungen, gehören zwar häufig zu den seltenen Krankheiten, betreffen aber eine große Gruppe und sind somit eine Hauptursache für Säuglingssterblichkeit, Kindheitsmorbidität und -sterblichkeit oder schränken langfristig die Entwicklung und Lebensqualität der betroffenen Familien ein., EUROCAT ist ein etabliertes europäisches Netzwerk von Registern zur Erhebung von angeborenen Anomalien. In dem neuen Projekt EUROlinkCAT wird die EUROCAT-Infrastruktur zur Unterstützung von 21 EUROCAT-Registern in 13 europäischen Ländern genutzt, um deren Daten zu Mortalitäts-, Krankenhausentlassungs-, Rezept- und Bildungsdatenbanken zu verknüpfen. Das zentrale Ergebnis-Verzeichnis (CRR) enthält standardisierte Daten und Analysen über geschätzte 200.000 Kinder mit einer angeborenen Fehlbildung, die von 1995 bis 2014 geboren wurden, bis zum Alter von 10 Jahren. So können Hypothesen über die Gesundheit und Bildung auf EU-Ebene untersucht werden und Diagnose, Prävention, Versorgung und Behandlung für Kinder, betroffen von Anomalien, optimiert werden. Es können im Zusammenhang mit den angeborenen gesundheitlichen Einschränkungen entstehende Entwicklungsdefizite auf europäischer Ebene erkannt und der Entwicklung entgegengewirkt werden., Dieses Registernetzwerk wird unterstützt durch die Nutzung von Social-Media-Plattformen, um mit Familien zu kommunizieren, die in den einzelnen europäischen Regionen leben. Ein neues, nachhaltiges e-Forum, "ConnectEpeople", verbindet diese Familien mit lokalen, nationalen und internationalen Registern und Informationsressourcen. ConnectEpeople wird diese Familien in die Festlegung von Forschungsprioritäten einbeziehen und eine sinnvolle Verbreitung der Ergebnisse sicherstellen., Eine wirtschaftliche Bewertung der Krankenhauskosten im Zusammenhang mit CA wird zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Das CRR und die dazugehörigen Unterlagen, einschließlich Verknüpfungs-, Normungsverfahren und "ConnectEpeople" -Forum, stehen nach EUROlinkCAT zur Verfügung und erleichtern damit künftige Analysen auf lokaler und EU-Ebene., Das Projekt wird gefördert durch das EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation Horizont 2020 (Grant Agreement Nr. 733001). Leiter/-in: Anke Rißmann View project in the research portal
2018 bis 2021 EU - HORIZONT 2020 Deep-Learning and HPC to Boost Biomedical Applications for Health (DeepHealth): Deep-Learning and HPC to Boost Biomedical Applications for Health (DeepHealth), Mit Techniken der artifiziellen Intelligenz werden digitale Supportsysteme entwickelt, die in der klinischen Praxis hilfreich sind. Aufgabe der Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie ist es hierbei Studien zur Depression und Demenz durchzuführen und mathematische Modellierungen zur Therapieprädiktion und Prädiktion des Verlaufs durchzuführen Leiter/-in: Thomas Frodl View project in the research portal
2019 bis 2021 EU - HORIZONT 2020 Deployment and Evaluation of the SCION Secure Internet Architecture on Fed4FIRE+ Testbeds The main goal of this project is the deployment and evaluation of the SCION network on multiple Fed4FIRE+ testbeds, specifically GEANT GTS, Virtual Wall, Grid5000, and Exogeni. Our SCIONLab infrastructure facilitates the interaction between different deployed SCION networks and services, whereas SCIONLab nodes themselves contribute to the routing within the SCION topology, thus enabling a broad range of novel path-aware applications. To this end, the aim is to interconnect instances of SCION nodes deployed on the different Fed4FIRE+ testbeds among each other as well as with other nodes in the global SCIONLab network such as within DFN and SWITCH and their associated universities OVGU Magdeburg and ETH Zurich. Leiter/-in: David Hausheer View project in the research portal
2019 bis 2021 EU - HORIZONT 2020 RAISING EU PRODUCTIVITY: LESSONS FROM IMPROVED MICRO DATA [MICROPROD] Labour productivity has slowed down atypically over the last decade or so in the developed world. That means that workers on average are not becoming more productive at quite the same speed as they used to., A similar picture in terms of how labour productivity has slowed down is seen for total factor productivity, i.e. when considering all factors of production, including capital. This is despite technological advancements continuing, and thus offering opportunities for innovation, as well as firms progressively integrating in global value chains, and therefore encouraging competition and gains in efficiency. All of these would suggest improvements in productivity vs. the observed slow down, a paradoxical situation that indicates how poor and incomplete our understanding of the underlying mechanisms at work is., The consequences of this slow down are not innocuous. Contrary to a long-term trend, the current generation expects that future generations may earn less than they do, raising issues about intergenerational transfers and sustainability of welfare systems across generations. At the same time, the benefits of the small productivity improvements are accruing disproportionately to capital over labour. The distribution of wealth is therefore becoming increasingly and very visibly unequal, a fact that causes societal anxiety and unrest. Understanding why this occurs is crucial as we prepare for the post financial crisis era., But what is the root cause of this productivity slow down? Some have argued that part of the answer lies in the way we measure productivity. Outdated methodologies are not in the position to capture how value is created given current technology and therefore vastly underestimates the advancements in productivity. Others are increasingly paying attention to the role of intangible investments, in particular as digital business models are becoming increasingly successful. The argument here is that digital firms have the ability to scale up and produce more without proportional increases in capital. If you are Facebook, you can increase the number of people you reach (and therefore the potential for income) without much additional investment. By contrast, a department store would need to invest in property and people if it wanted to expand its operations. Measured aggregate productivity trends may underestimate future productivity growth when increases in aggregate expenditures disproportionately go to intangible intensive firms. Similarly, tracking productivity changes in real time is made difficult because the returns to intangible investment may be very delayed., Furthermore, there are additional implications of intangible investments that are not fully understood. For example, the difficulty in funding intangible investment through traditional financial channels will have a large impact on firms that rely on tangibles. Even before that, as firms grow with little investments they also have fewer assets that can be used for accessing credit, a fact that may distort lending at an aggregate level. Moreover, the implications of an increased role of intangibles for the organisation of firms into global value chains are also unclear. Leiter/-in: Steffen Müller View project in the research portal
2017 bis 2021 EU - HORIZONT 2020 image quality analysis on patient images - EU Projekt MEDIRAD Medical imaging quality description is today either based on investigating with objective physical mathematical methods images of certain test objects or on subjective reader evaluations. The objective methods can be either based on methods applicable in the Fourier domain or those in the spatial domain. While analytics in the Fourier domain are often quite easy they are often difficult to interpret in terms of provided diagnostic performance. Image quality analysis in the spatial domain is on the other hand typically limited to very specific tasks and complicated to perform. Human reader studies very often result in very different results and are very time consuming. We want to develop a way to characterise patient images based on physical methods to describe image quality so that fast objective measurements correspond to human reader studies. That would allow qulaity assurance on real patient images in the future. Leiter/-in: Christoph Hoeschen View project in the research portal
2017 bis 2020 EU - HORIZONT 2020 enhAnced Mobile BiomEtRics (AMBER) AMBER (enhAnced Mobile BiomEtRics) is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network addressing a range of current issues facing biometric solutions on mobile devices. AMBER will comprise ten integrated Marie Sklodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR) projects across five EU universities. The Network has the direct support of seven Industrial Partners., The aim of the Network is to collate Europe-wide complementary academic and industrial expertise, train and equip the next generation of researchers to define, investigate and implement solutions, and develop solutions and theory to ensure secure, ubiquitous and efficient authentication whilst protecting privacy of citizens., This project has received funding from the European Union s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 675087. Leiter/-in: Jana Dittmann View project in the research portal
2016 bis 2020 EU - HORIZONT 2020 CORE - Continuous Resolution and Deracemization of Chiral Compounds by Crystallization Industries are in need of highly skilled academically trained experts and powerful sets of tools enabling the design, control & prediction of optimized & efficient production process of future high-value products such as chiral pharmaceuticals. The CORE Network will in parallel train 15 ESRs and develop tools, approaches and methods within the area of Continuous Resolution (CORE), the process to obtain enantiopure molecules of chiral compounds., The training objective of the CORE network is to deliver a CORE skills toolbox of knowledge, personal, organizational and impact skills to a core of multi-disciplinary scientists and engineers in the interdisciplinary and cross-sectional field of Continuous Resolution. Each ESR obtains dedicated training through their research project, network events, a webinar course, management involvement and an academic & industrial secondment., The research objective of the CORE Network is to jointly construct a CORE Industrial Toolbox on Continuous Resolution that provides next generation tools, approaches and methods to industry for the development continuous resolution processes. The strongly involved industrial partners will ensure that the CORE Industrial Toolbox fulfils their requirements in the skills gap areas Towards Continuous, Hybrid Resolution and Enabling Resolution., CORE brings together 8 academic and 7 industrial partners resulting in an unparalleled combination of chirality, synthesis and crystallization training and research covering the areas of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Applied Physics., This project has received funding from the European Union s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 722456. Leiter/-in: Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern View project in the research portal
2016 bis 2020 EU - HORIZONT 2020 ZIKAlliance Project 53 In dem weltweiten Verbund erforschen Wissenschaftler unterschiedlicher Fachdisziplinen das ZIKA-Virus, welches hauptsächlich über Mücken übertragen wird und bereits in 73 Ländern auftritt. Die ZIKA-Virus-Infektion ist unter anderem Ursache für eine Fehlentwicklung des Gehirns bei Neugeborenen, der sogenannten Mikrozephalie. Bis heute gibt es weder eine Impfung zur Infektionsprävention noch eine spezifische Therapie zur Behandlung der ZIKA-Virus-Infektion., Am Institut für Experimentelle Innere Medizin wird in Kooperation mit dem Max-Planck-Institut für Infektionsbiologie in Berlin ein Verfahren entwickelt, welches es ermöglicht, unter Verwendung der CRISPR/Cas9-Technologie Wirtszellfaktoren zu identifizieren, die für eine ZIKA-Virus-Infektion essentiell sind. Für eine Infektion relevante Wirtszellfaktoren stellen potenzielle Zielstrukturen für eine therapeutische Intervention dar. Die Entwicklung neuer, effizienter Therapieansätze erfordert insbesondere ein fundiertes Verständnis der Regulation und Funktion von Genen während der Infektion. Ziel ist es, Substanzen zu identifizieren, die die Funktion dieser Zielstrukturen spezifisch inhibieren und so die Infektion unterbinden, um neue antivirale Wirkstoffe zu ermitteln. Leiter/-in: Michael Naumann View project in the research portal
2018 bis 2020 EU - HORIZONT 2020 Learntech Accelerator (LEA) Based upon the finding from IMAILE PCP of Innovative STEM/PLE (, www.imaile.eu, ), the project LEARNTECH ACCELERATOR ( LEA) will take a quantum leap from being one standalone project to critical mass of European  procurers who will:, Unify LEA procurers network and "Observer Cities ", Implement IMAILE PCP lessons learned as LEA baseline, Recommend a LEARNTECH Demand policy - 2030 to reduce fragmentation of the public sector, Enable increased dialogue between demand/ supply side, Provide transfer of knowledge for the LEARNTECH community ( other procurers, industry, start-ups , end - users, and policy level) in order to remove barriers of innovative procurement, Prepare one PPI ( based upon IMAILE) and one additional future PCP, Speed up awareness rising of innovative procurement including cross sectorial value chains, LEA WP- METHODOLOGY is developed in order to achieve the above mentioned objectives and with focus to "ACCELERATE":, LEA network collaboration ( WP 2), Demand policy recommendations ( WP 3), Dialogue tools/ venues between demand & supply side ( WP 4), Knowledge transfer within the community ( WP5), Awareness rising on EU level ( WP 6), This unified and knowledge based action will result in the LEA ROADMAP 2030 including:, -Critical mass of European procurers of LEARNTECH in collaboration acting first customers, User cases for evidence of cost& time saving/ standardization/ interoperability as results of innovative procurement, 2030 LEARNTECH market foresight and demand policy, Training material/methods/tools for increased competence and dynamic dialogue among LEARNTECH community, One prepared PPI absed upon IMAILE with lessons learned, One addtional prepared PCP identified in LEA Implementation of the LEA project shall contribute to SMART, INCLUSIVE AND SUSTAINABLE DEMAND BASED DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING TECHNOLOGY Leiter/-in: Dr. Henry Herper View project in the research portal
2016 bis 2020 EU - HORIZONT 2020 ADAS&ME : Adaptive Advanced Driver Assistance Systems to support incapacitated drivers and Mitigate Effectively risks through tailor made Human Machine Interaction under automation ADAS&ME will develop adapted Advanced Driver Assistance Systems that incorporate driver/rider state, situational/environmental context, and adaptive interaction to automatically transfer control between vehicle and driver/rider and thus ensure safer and more efficient road usage. The work is based around 7 Use Cases, covering a large proportion of driving on European roads. Experimental research will be carried out on algorithms for driver state monitoring as well as on Human-Machine-Interaction and automation transitions. Robust detection/prediction algorithms will be developed for driver/rider state monitoring towards different driver states, such as fatigue, sleepiness, stress, inattention and impairing emotions, employing existing and novel sensing technologies, taking into account traffic and weather conditions and personalizing them to individual driver s physiology and driving behavior. Further, the core development includes multimodal and adaptive warning and intervention strategies based on current driver state and severity of scenarios. The final outcome is a driver/rider state monitoring system, integrated within vehicle automation. The system will be validated with a wide pool of drivers/riders under simulated and real road conditions and under different driver/rider states. This challenging task has been undertaken by a multidisciplinary European Consortium of 30 Partners, including an original equipment manufacturer per vehicle type and 7 direct suppliers., The Cognitive Systems Group at Otto-von-Guericke-University will contribute to this consortium by providing analysis of emotional content of acoustic utterances in the car. We will also engage in information fusion of data from various modalities (acoustic, video, and others) and analyzing this data for identifying markers for detecting drowsiness or a loss of control state of the driver, thus contributing to driver assistance in several use cases, such as cars, busses, trucks, and motorcycles. Leiter/-in: Prof. Dr. Andreas Wendemuth View project in the research portal
2016 bis 2019 EU - HORIZONT 2020 EGRET-Plus European Glaucoma Research Training Program-Plus Glaucoma is the most common age-related neurodegenerative eye-disease in western society and one of the four major blinding eye diseases (cataract, macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy). Glaucoma is characterized by a progressive loss of retinal nerve cells. The early changes are often unnoticed by the patient. If untreated or detected too late, glaucoma will end up in blindness, yielding a profound loss of quality of life for the individual and major costs to society. In Europe, there are approximately 3 million people with glaucoma. They all need chronic medical care and, despite of that, approximately 15% of them will become blind during their lifetime., Increasing our knowledge on glaucoma and the aging visual system in general has tremendous potential for innovation in glaucoma care and can thus positively impact the future of millions of European citizens : 1) it enables the development of new tools for the early detection of glaucoma; 2) it can inspire the development and implementation of new treatments; 3) contributes to our understanding of the relationships between various neurodegenerative diseases, and 4) contributes to improving healthy aging in general., Given the vast complexity of the disease, we need researchers that are deeply knowledgeable about glaucoma and intimately familiar with the many different techniques required to study all aspects of glaucoma and the aging visual system: from functional test to anatomy, from gene to ganglion cell, from retina to brain. Generally, knowledge, and thus training, is fragmented and researchers that have been broadly trained are only scarcely, if not at all, available at present., To overcome this, EGRET, the European Glaucoma Research Training Program, will aim its efforts at teaching young researchers in how to acquire and apply new quantitative knowledge on the aging visual system in health and disease (specifically glaucoma). Leiter/-in: apl. Prof. Dr. habil. Michael B. Hoffmann View project in the research portal
2017 bis 2019 EU - HORIZONT 2020 Stories of Tomorrow - Students Visions on the Future of Space Exploration The STORIES project aims to contribute to a dynamic future of children's ebooks evolution by a) developing user-friendly interfaces for young students (10-12 years old) to create their own multi-path stories expressing their imagination and creativity and b) by integrating the latest AR, VR and 3D printing technologies to visualize their stories in numerous innovative ways. In the heart of this intervention lies the vision for integrated curricula and deeper learning outcomes. The project will offer these innovations through a single environment, the STORIES Storytelling Platform which will be the place for students artistic expression and scientific inquiry at the same time. The creations of the students (paintings, models, dioramas and constructions, 3D objects and landscapes, animations, science videos and science theater plays) will be captured and integrated in the form of interactive ebooks. The STORIES technical team will design advanced interfaces in which students will be able to augment characters, buildings, greenhouses and different 3D geometrical structures on a tablet or their computer and inspect their work using a mobile device. The outcome of their work will be detected and tracked, and the video stream is augmented with an animated 3D version of the character or the artifact. The platform will be tested in real settings in Germany, Greece, Portugal, France, Finland and Japan, involving 60 teachers and 3000 students (5th and 6th grade). To achieve this, the proposed project is developing a novel cooperation between creative industries and electronic publishing, educational research institutions in the field of STEM, schools and informal learning centers. The consortium includes 15 partners from Europe, USA, Japan and Australia. But STORIES is going beyond that: The consortium will cooperate in the design of the platform and in the development of the story-line mechanism with Eugene (Eugenios) Trivizas, well known writer of children's books. Leiter/-in: Florian Kaiser View project in the research portal
2017 bis 2019 EU - HORIZONT 2020 PHOSPHOR - Synthesis of Novel Phosphor Sensor Particles for Advanced Flame Diagnostics Synthesis of Novel Phosphor Sensor Particles for Advanced Flame Diagnostics Phosphors are ceramic materials that emit luminescence following illumination by laser light. Either the colour or the duration of the luminescence depend on the temperature of the material, and so phosphors can be used for remote temperature measurements. Researchers at the Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik (LTT), Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Beyrau), Germany, use thermographic phosphors to measure the temperature and velocity of turbulent flows, by seeding nano- to micrometre-size phosphor particles into the gas or liquid as a flow "tracer"., The primary objective of this research project is to increase the temperature range and sensitivity of this measurement technique via the synthesis of new phosphor particles that are optimised for flow temperature sensing. The research fellow, Dr. Christopher Abram from LTT, will collaborate with the Advanced Combustion and Propulsion Lab (ACP), Princeton University, USA, who have developed innovative synthesis methods capable of producing phosphor particles with specific luminescence properties, size and morphology. At ACP, Dr. Abram will learn how to produce phosphor particles using these advanced methods, and then return to LTT where new materials will be produced and characterised., The project will result in new temperature measurement capabilities for fundamental and applied combustion research, allowing the design of cleaner, fuel-efficient engines in key automotive, aerospace and power generation industries, thereby consuming fewer natural resources and reducing environmental impact. These novel materials will also find use in other remote sensing applications e.g. for biomedicine, as well as in lighting and display technologies, creating further opportunities for collaboration with Princeton University and other research institutions and industry., This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innivation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 708068. Leiter/-in: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Beyrau View project in the research portal
2017 bis 2019 EU - HORIZONT 2020 Stories of Tomorrow - Students Visions on the Future of Space Exploration The STORIES project aims to contribute to a dynamic future of childrens ebooks evolution by a) developing user-friendly interfaces for young students (10-12 years old) to create their own multi-path stories expressing their imagination and creativity and b) by integrating the latest AR, VR and 3D printing technologies to visualize their stories in numerous innovative ways. In the heart of this intervention lies the vision for integrated curricula and deeper learning outcomes. The project will offer these innovations through a single environment, the STORIES Storytelling Platform which will be the place for students artistic expression and scientific inquiry at the same time. The creations of the students (paintings, models, dioramas and constructions, 3D objects and landscapes, animations, science videos and science theatre plays) will be captured and integrated in the form of interactive ebooks. The STORIES technical team will design advanced interfaces in which students will be able to augment characters, buildings, greenhouses and different 3D geometrical structures on a tablet or their computer and inspect their work using a mobile device. The outcome of their work will be detected and tracked, and the video stream is augmented with an animated 3D version of the character or the artefact. The platform will be tested in real settings in Germany, Greece, Portugal, France, Finland and Japan, involving 60 teachers and 3000 students (5th and 6th grade). To achieve this, the proposed project is developing a novel cooperation between creative industries and electronic publishing, educational research institutions in the field of STEM, schools and informal learning centres. The consortium includes 15 partners from Europe, USA, Japan and Australia. But STORIES is going beyond that: The consortium will cooperate in the design of the platform and in the development of the storyline mechanism with Eugene (Eugenios) Trivizas, well known writer of children's books. Leiter/-in: Florian Kaiser View project in the research portal
2015 bis 2019 EU - HORIZONT 2020 NextGenVis ITN - Training the Next Generation of European Visual Neuroscientists for the benefit of innovation in health care and high-tech industry - Stability and plasticity of cortical wiring in albinism This project aims at uncovering the mechanisms of cortical wiring in the face of abnormal visual development. Usually, eye-brain connections are highly stereotypical. However, albinism radically alters the spatial connection patterns due to a malformed optic chiasm, which makes it a powerful model to study plasticity in the human visual system. Astonishingly, although the representations of the left and right side of the world are completely intermixed in the primary visual cortex in albinism, the patients see equally well in both hemifields. High-resolution fMRI at 7 Tesla magnetic field strength will be used to quantify how the altered connections affect cortical structure and function. Leiter/-in: apl. Prof. Dr. habil. Michael B. Hoffmann View project in the research portal
2014 bis 2018 EU - HORIZONT 2020 COST Action FA1401: European network on the factors affecting the gastro-intestinal microbial balance and the impact on the health status of pigs (PiGutNet) The use of antibiotics in pigs is still widespread and is used to control enteric infectious diseases. This practice can spread antibiotic resistance in the agricultural sector and pose a threat to consumer health. PiGutNet will establish the first european network to address this issue, with specialists in all areas of research. the network coordinates databases and designs innovative tools to define the status of enteric eubiosis in pigs. The main outputs are genome/metabolome-wide association studies and the provision of a roadmap to increase pig resistance to Git infections, leading to improved animal health and welfare, consumer protection and competitive advantage for European agriculture. Leiter/-in: Hermann-Josef Rothkötter View project in the research portal

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