Research on health in the world of work (Bundesministerium für Soziales und Arbeit)

14.11.2022 -  

The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has published a new funding guideline. Schilder

The object of the funding is research projects as well as measures to build up and expand structural and human resources that contribute to ensuring the current and future need for work-related research expertise in the following fields of action and sustainably strengthen the science system.

The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), together with the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), aims to expand the capacity of research on health in the world of work. The aim of the funding guideline is to generate scientific findings as well as socially and politically significant knowledge to strengthen health in the world of work, whereby the challenges for a humane design of the world of work, which have been highlighted by the COVID 19 pandemic, are also to be dealt with.

The projects in the individual fields of action are to relate to one or more of the following focal points:

  • Further development of structural and behavioural approaches to promote and maintain physical and mental health in the workplace (primary prevention).
  • Early detection and prevention of work-related health complaints and illnesses (secondary prevention)
  • Rehabilitation and workplace reintegration (tertiary prevention)





FOGA - Förderrichtlinie zur "Förderung der Forschung und Lehre zur Gesundheit in der Arbeitswelt"

LinkedIn - Forschungsförderberatung/EU-Hochschulnetzwerk OVGU

Last Modification: 17.11.2022 - Contact Person: Webmaster