"You can't be what you can't see" - or can you? A Theoretical View of Education on Social Mobility Processes of First-Generation Women Scientists

The guest lecture by Stefanie Hoffmann will take place as part of the seminar "Chancen(UN)gleichheit an der OVGU - eine Kooperationsveranstaltung mit dem BfG" on June 28, 2021 from 5 pm to 6:30 pm via Zoom. The lecture is aimed at ALL who are interested in the topic & qualitative research and can imagine doing a PhD.

Zoom details: Link: https://ovgu.zoom.us/j/69136341803, Meeting ID: 691 3634 1803, Identifier Code: 587422.

Title: "You can't be what you can't see" - or can you? An educational theoretical look at social mobility processes of first-generation female scientists.

Announcement text Lecture: The percentage of women as well as persons from non-academic backgrounds among students and scientists is decreasing with increasing qualification and hierarchical level in the science system. Despite unequal educational and employment opportunities in the university field, however, there are indeed women who follow this path and become active as scientists. The lecture focuses on the upward mobility experiences of these first-generation women scientists, i.e. the educational mobility of women from non-academic backgrounds who were the first in their families to study and are now working as scientists at universities. The focus of the presentation is on an exemplary research design with which the speaker approaches this topic area in the context of her dissertation.

Personal details: Stefanie Hoffmann is an educational scientist and works in the Department of Adult Education at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Her dissertation project focuses on issues of social inequality and transformational educational processes that can occur in the course of upward mobility. She has also attended the certificate program "Qualitative Educational and Social Research" here at ZSM (Center for Social World Research and Methodology Development).

We look forward to an exciting lecture and discussion.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

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