Announcement for the Gender Research Award in Saxony-Anhalt

18.07.2023 -  


Young academics, artists and designers from all disciplines who have completed their work - which can also be interdisciplinary - with a gender perspective at a university in Saxony-Anhalt are eligible to apply. Other scientific publications with a gender perspective by graduates of a university in Saxony-Anhalt are also eligible to apply.

The work must have been completed between October 1, 2021 and March 31, 2023.



Submit as one continuous PDF file in the order listed:

- Curriculum Vitae
- Information on previous academic achievements (copy of degree certificate, in case of doctorate: copy of doctorate certificate)
- Abstract with a brief description of the gender relevance of the work (maximum 5,000 characters)
- Thesis, qualification paper or scientific publication (article, book contribution, etc.)
- For submission of final and qualifying theses: Copies of the first and second evaluations
- In the case of other scientific publications, artistic or creative submissions with a portfolio of the work: expert opinion of a university lecturer from a university/university of applied       sciences in Saxony-Anhalt (copy).

Please send the above documents in electronic form by 31.08.2023 to:

The award ceremony for the research grant is expected to take place during the 12th Statewide Gender Research Day on November 30, 2023.

If you have any questions, please contact Michaela Frohberg (Head of the Coordination Office Gender Research & Equal Opportunities Saxony-Anhalt) Phone: 0391- 6758905 Mail:

Promotion Award_LSA_2023 (PDF)


Last Modification: 19.08.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster