Free Mover


Studying abroad as Free Movers

"Free movers" are students who organize their study abroad on their own initiative at a non-partner university of their choice without participating in an OVGU exchange programme. Students who follow this route should begin to plan their academic adventure abroad at least one year in advance, so that application deadlines  are met.

In the case of planned freemover semesters, as this is the case for mobilities under the ERASMUS or WORLDWIDE exchange schemes, it will be important to discuss and agree on the recognition of academic results abroad with your responsible subject coordinator or examination office well in advance of going abroad. If recognition is found to be possible and is agreed in the Learning Agreement, you can start your studies abroad with the good feeling that your academic achievements and successes abroad will be taken into account for your home degree programme on your return.

Last Modification: 05.08.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster