News Outgoing

EU GREEN Research Mobility Program


PHD students, researchers and technical and administrative staff have the opportunity to receive funding for a stay at one of the EU GREEN partner institutions via the EU GREEN Research Mobility Program. In individual cases, Master's students may also be funded. Please find all further conditions and details in the linked document at "more", or get in touch with the contact persons listed there at the respective partner university.

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Stipendium: Grüner Wasserstoff (DAAD)


The DAAD provides Fellowships for Graduates, PhDs and Postdocs with projects concerning Green Hydrogen in a foreign country. Gradutes will have to apply until 10th April, PHD Students and Postdocs can apply at any time. Fore more information please use this link, as well as the linked Fact Sheet at "more".

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Last Modification: 16.05.2024 - Contact Person: Sylvia Seela