Prof. Schlägel

Prof. Dr. Christopher Schlägel

Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft (FWW)
Professur für Behavioral International Management
Universitätsplatz 2, 39106 Magdeburg, G22D-304

Aktuelle Projekte

Foreign Language Proficiency and Work-Related Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis
Laufzeit: 01.10.2022 bis 30.09.2025

Expatriates are indispensable to many multinational companies, and their importance has increased in recent decades. Yet, given the challenge of integrating employees from different countries and cultural backgrounds, expatriates are a costly and risky investment for companies. Previous research has shown that proficiency in English or the host country language is an important, though not prioritized, success factor to consider when recruiting expatriates. Nevertheless, the evidence on the importance of language proficiency for expatriate work outcomes is inconsistent in terms of the direction and magnitude of the effect sizes and rarely based on theoretical frameworks.

Previous meta-analyses in this field lack profound moderator analyses and are based only on small sample sizes. Therefore, we meta-analytically synthesize the relationships between foreign language proficiency and six work-related outcomes (expatriation intention, cross-cultural adjustment, job satisfaction, job performance, life satisfaction, and turnover intention). The bivariate analyses are supplemented by several moderator analyses. The results expose significant relationships for all direct effects and uncover several significant moderators. The project shows that language skills are an important success factor. Thus, through language training, expatriates can better cope with the difficult situation abroad, and both recruiters and expatriates can increase the success of international assignments.

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Information Technology Capabilities and Firm Performance: A Meta-Analytic Synthesis
Laufzeit: 01.10.2022 bis 30.09.2025

This project aims to increase the understanding of how different dimensions of information technology (IT) capabilities are related to different firm performance facets. Previous research has found that IT capabilities significantly improve firms’ economic performance. However, primary studies have often operationalized and labeled the various IT capability dimensions in different ways, making it difficult to synthesize existing findings. Furthermore, previous studies are characterized by inconclusive results, showing variation in the direction and magnitude of effect sizes. As a result, we lack a comprehensive understanding whether, to which degree, how, and when IT capability dimensions are associated with different firm performance outcomes.

The main objectives of this project are fourfold. First, we utilize a systematic review to integrate and categorize different IT capability dimensions. As a result, we provide a more systematic and complete conceptualization of the IT capabilities construct. Second, based on the developed categorization we meta-analytically synthesize the existing results for the main categories of IT capabilities, providing more accurate estimates of the average effect sizes of different categories of IT capabilities. Third, based on the bivariate meta-analytic findings and the intercorrelations we use commonality analysis to examine the unique and shared relationships of IT capabilities and firm performance. In this way we provide a more nuanced and holistic understanding of the unique contribution of each IT capability and the variance in firm performance that is explained jointly by different sets of categories. Finally, we use moderator analysis to assess the boundary conditions that may account for the variability in the direction and magnitude of effect sizes.

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Abgeschlossene Projekte

Organizational learning: An evidence-based approach
Laufzeit: 01.12.2014 bis 31.08.2017

The organizational learning literature is characterized by a large number of different constructs that aim to measure the degree of organizational learning, the orientation towards learning, or the capability to learn. These construct are operationalized using different facets and dimensions. The major purpose of this research project is to provide a systematic review of the literature by conducting three meta-analyses that bring togehter the findings of the existing quantitative empirical primary studies in the respective field. These studies contribute to the literature by examining the relationship with overall firm innovativeness and firm performance and by exploring the boundary conditions of the effects.

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International Entrepreneurship: A Cross-Country Comparison
Laufzeit: 01.09.2010 bis 30.09.2013

Given the importance of entrepreneurial activity in the economic development of a nation, there is a continuing need to examine and develop entrepreneurial models. The purpose of the first study of a total of three studies is to test the ability of Ajzen s theory of planned behavior to predict entrepreneurial intent and to test the moderating role of national cultures. The second study develops a survey instrument from the World Bank s Doing Business Report and other sources in order to examine the relationship between selected formal and informal institutions and entrepreneurial intent. The third study examines the impact of personal characteristics and skills on the decision to become an entrepreneur. Moreover, the study explores which triggers affected the entrepreneurs to actually start the business. The results of the first two studies show that national frameworks moderate the relation between the perception of institutions, social norms, attitudes, as well as behavioural control and entrepreneurial intent. There are a number of implications of these results including guidance for government policy makers.

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The new populist era in germany - a cross-sectional econometric analysis of populist voting patterns, the crucial drivers and regional differences using NCA and BSS modelling

Meyer-Pinger, Kathrin; Paqué, Karl-Heinz; Schlägel, Christopher

In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2024, XVII, 485 Seiten [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 457-485][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 457-485]



Cross-cultural impacts in the domestic workplace: multicultural work environment, cultural intelligence, and extra-role performance

Engle, Robert; Schlägel, Christopher

In: Handbook of cultural intelligence research - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited ; Thomas, David . - 2023, S. 267-289

Addressing the dark side of cultural intelligence: a conceptual model and research agenda

Brand, Marius; Schlägel, Christopher; Stahl, Günter K.

In: Handbook of cultural intelligence research - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited ; Thomas, David . - 2023, S. 431-449

Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Reviewing half a century of measuring cross-cultural competence - aligning theoretical constructs and empirical measures

Richter, Nicole Franziska; Schlägel, Christopher; Taras, Vasyl; Alon, Ilan; Bird, Allan

In: International business review - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, Bd. 32 (2023), Heft 4, Artikel 102122

COVID-19 and individual performance in global virtual teams - the role of self-regulation and individual cultural value orientations

Schlägel, Christopher; Gunkel, Marjaana; Taras, Vas

In: Journal of organizational behavior - Chichester, Sussex : Wiley, Bd. 44 (2023), Heft 1, S. 102-131


Utility assessment of innovative medical technology procedures

Winkelmann, Carolin; Vogt, Bodo; Sarstedt, Marko; Schlägel, Christopher

In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft 2023, 1 Band (verschiedene Blattzählungen) [Literaturangaben][Literaturangaben]

Essays on the fair division of losses

Kierspel, Sabrina; Vogt, Bodo; Schlägel, Christopher; Schosser, Stephan

In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft 2023, 1 Band (verschiedene Blattzählungen) [Literaturangaben][Literaturangaben]


Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Integrated generalized structured component analysis - on the use of model fit criteria in international management research

Cho, Gyeongcheol; Schlägel, Christopher; Hwang, Heungsun; Choi, Younyoung; Sarstedt, Marko; Ringle, Christian M.

In: Management international review - Berlin: Springer, Bd. 62 (2022), 4, S. 569-609

Addressing the dark side of cultural intelligence - a conceptual model and research agenda

Brand, Marius; Schlägel, Christopher; Stahl, Günter

In: Academy of Management proceedings - Briarcliff Manor NY : Academy of Management, Bd. 2022 (2022), Heft 1

The unique and common effects of emotional intelligence dimensions on job satisfaction and facets of job performance - an exploratory study in three countries

Schlägel, Christopher; Engle, Robert L.; Lang, Guido

In: International journal of human resource management - London [u.a.] : Taylor & Francis, Bd. 33 (2022), Heft 8, S. 1562-1605



An investigation of antecedents and consequences of career choice and career advancement

Gruner, Jana; Enke, Susanne; Schlägel, Christopher

In: Magdeburg, 2018, VIII, 137 Blätter, Diagramme, 30 cm[Literaturverzeichnis: Blatt 88-105]


Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Assessing the measurement invariance of the four-dimensional cultural intelligence scale across countries - a composite model approach

Schlägel, Christopher; Sarstedt, Marko

In: European management journal - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, Bd. 34.2016, 6, S. 633-649


Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

'Why not now?' Triggers and barriers of new venture creation - a meta-analysis and multinational comparison of entrepreneurs' perspectives

Schlägel, Christopher; Engle, R. L.; Dimitriadi, N.; Taureck, P. C.

In: International journal of entrepreneurial venturing: IJEV - Genève [u.a.]: Inderscience Enterprises, Bd. 7.2015, 3, S. 227-250

The intention to become an expatriate - a multinational application of the theory of planned behaviour

Engle, Robert L.; Schlägel, Christopher; Dimitriadi, Nilolay; Tatoglu, Ekrem; Ljubica, Jasenko

In: European journal of international management: EJIM - Genève: Inderscience, Bd. 9.2015, 1, S. 108-137

Understanding individuals initial and continued use of online auction marketplaces - a meta-analysis

Schlägel, Christopher

In: Management research review - Bingley: Emerald, Bd. 38.2015, 8, S. 855-907



Culture and a cascading model of emotional intelligence - an exploratory analysis

Gunkel, Marjaana; Schlägel, Christopher; Engle, Robert L.

In: Multinational Enterprises, Markets and Institutional Diversity: Alain - Bradford: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, S. 229-257, 2014 - (Progress in International Business Research; 9)

Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

Determinants and outcomes of dual distribution - an international study

Rosen, Christian; Gunkel, Marjaana; Schlägel, Christopher

In: Management research review - Bingley: Emerald, Bd. 37.2014, 11, S. 944-969

Goodbye Germany! - the influence of personality and cognitive factors on the intention to work abroad

Remhof, Stefan; Gunkel, Marjaana; Schlägel, Christopher

In: International journal of human resource management - London [u.a.]: Taylor & Francis, Bd. 25.2014, 16, S. 2319-2343

Effects of design characteristics on corporate blog acceptance

König, Nils; Schlägel, Christopher

In: Management research review - Bingley: Emerald, Bd. 37.2014, 4, S. 409-440

The human aspect of cross-border acquisition outcomes - The role of management practices, employee emotions, and national culture

Gunkel, Marjaana; Schlägel, Christopher; Rossteutscher, Tobias; Wolff, Birgitta

In: International business review - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier, 2014

Culture's influence on emotional intelligence - an empirical study of nine countries

Gunkel, Marjaana; Schlägel, Christopher; Engle, Robert L.

In: Journal of international management - Amsterdam: Elsevier, Bd. 20.2014, 2, S. 256-274

Determinants of entrepreneurial intent - a meta-analytic test and integration of competing models

Schlägel, Christopher; König, Michael

In: Entrepreneurship theory and practice: ET&P : the official journal of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship - Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Bd. 38.2014, 2, S. 291-332


The Power Network Concept - a theoretical and empirical approach to strategy in the global network economy

Taureck, Pia Christin; Sadrieh, Abdolkarim; Schlägel, Christopher

In: Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Wirtschaftswiss., Diss., 2014, X, 548 S.

Der Einfluss von kognitiven Faktoren, Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen und internationaler Erfahrung auf die Absicht zur Arbeit im Ausland - eine empirische Studie

Remhof, Stefan; Schlägel, Christopher

In: Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Wirtschaftswiss., Diss., 2014, IX, 271 S., graph. Darst., 30 cm


Begutachteter Zeitschriftenartikel

The influence of national culture on business students career attitudes - an analysis of eight countries

Gunkel, Marjaana; Schlägel, Christopher; Langella, Ian M.; Peluchette, Joy V.; Reshetnyak, Elena

In: Zeitschrift für Personalforschung - Mering : Hampp, Bd. 27 (2013), Heft 1, S. 47-68

Working in the "global village" - the influence of cultural intelligence on the intention to work abroad

Remhof, Stefan; Gunkel, Marjaana; Schlägel, Christopher

In: Zeitschrift für Personalforschung - Mering : Hampp, Bd. 27 (2013), Heft 3, S. 224-250



Country-specific effects of reputation - a cross-country comparison of online auction markets

Schlägel, Christopher; Wolff, Birgitta; Sadrieh, Abdolkarim

In: Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2011, Zugl.: Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Wirtschaftswiss., Diss., 2010, XIX, 203 S. - (Gabler research; International Management Studies; International Management Studies), ISBN: 978-3-8349-2520-6



Der Einfluss von Kultur und individuellen Charakteristika auf das Widerstandsverhalten von Mitarbeitern bei internationalen Akquisitionen - eine empirische Studie

Roßteutscher, Tobias; Gunkel, Marjaana; Schlägel, Christopher; Wolff, Birgitta

In: Internationale Unternehmungen und das Management ausländischer Tochtergesellschaften . - Wiesbaden : Gabler, ISBN 978-3-8349-2598-5, S. 177-207, 2011

The influence of personality on career decisiveness of business students - an empirical comparison between Chinese, German, and U.S. students

Gunkel, Marjaana; Schlägel, Christopher; Peluchette, Joy V.; Langella, Ian M.

In: 10th International Human Resource Management Conference. - Santa Fe, insges. 19 S., 2009Kongress: IHRM; 10 (Santa Fe) : 2009.06.21-24[Beitrag auf CD-ROM]

Originalartikel in begutachteter internationaler Zeitschrift

Institutions and entrepreneurial intent - a cross-country study

Engle, Robert L.; Schlaegel, Christopher; Dimitriadi, Nikolay

In: Journal of developmental entrepreneurship. - Hackensack, NJ [u.a.] : World Scientific Publishing, Bd. 16.2011, 2, S. 227-250

Should employees accept their bossàs facebook 'friend' request? - examining gender and cultural differences

Karl, Katherine; Peluchette, Joy; Schlägel, Christopher

In: International journal of virtual communities and social networking . - Hershey, Pa. : IGI Publ., Bd. 2.2010, 3, S. 16-30

Who's posting facebook faux pas? - a cross-cultural examination of personality differences

Karl, Katherine; Peluchette, Joy Van Eck; Schlägel, Christopher; Schlaegel, Christopher

In: International journal of selection and assessment - Oxford [u.a.] : Blackwell, Bd. 18 (2010), Heft 2, S. 174-186

A cross-cultural examination of student attitudes and gender differences in facebook profile content

Karl, Katherine; Peluchette, Joy; Schlägel, Christopher

In: International journal of virtual communities and social networking . - Hershey, Pa. : IGI Publ., Bd. 2.2010, 2, S. 11-31

Personality and career decisiveness - an international empirical comparison of business students' career planning

Gunkel, Marjaana; Schlägel, Christopher; Langella, Ian M.; Peluchette, Joy V.

In: Personnel review. - Bradford : Emerald, Bd. 39.2010, 4, S. 503-524

Antecedents of entrepreneurial intent and status - an international model of entrepreneurship

Engle, Robert L.; Schlägel, Christopher; Dimitriadi, Nikolai

In: Interdisciplinary journal of economics and business law. - Pinner : CJEAS Ltd., Bd. 1.2011, 1, S. 30-47

Entrepreneurial intent - a twelve-country evaluation of Ajzen's model of planned behavior

Engle, Robert L.; Dimitriadi, Nikolay; Gavidia, Jose V.; Schlägel, Christopher; Delanoe, Servane; Alvarado, Irene; He, Xiaohong; Buame, Samuel; Wolff, Birgitta

In: International journal of entrepreneurial behaviour & research - Bingley : Emerald, Bd. 16 (2010), Heft 1/2, S. 35-57

The role of social influence, culture and gender on entrepreneurial intent

Engle, Robert L.; Schlägel, Christopher; Delanoe, Servane

In: Journal of small business and entrepreneurship. - Regina, Bd. 24.2011, 4, S. 471-492

Originalartikel in begutachteter nationaler Zeitschrift

The influence of personality on students' career decisiveness - a comparison between Chinese and German economics and management students

Gunkel, Marjaana; Schlägel, Christopher

In: Management revue. - Mering : Hampp, Bd. 21.2010, 3, S. 229-243



The country-specific efficiency of internet marketing strategies - a comparison of online auctions in Germany, the UK, and the US

Schlägel, Christopher; Wolff, Birgitta

In: Marketing landscapes: a pause for thought . - Brighton : Univ., ISBN 978-1-905593-42-2, S. 91, 2008Kongress: EMAC Conference; 37 (Brighton) : 2008.05.27-30[Vollständiger Beitrag auf beiliegender CD-ROM (7 S.)]

Artikel in Kongressband

Country-specific effects of reputation - a comparison of online auctions in Germany, the UK, and the U.S.

Schlägel, Christopher; Wolff, Birgitta

In: Proceedings of the IAMB 2008 Conference. - San Diego, insges. 5 S.Kongress: IAMB 2008; (San Diego) : 2008.01.28-30


Originalartikel in begutachteter zeitschriftenartiger Reihe

Country-specific effects of reputation and information - a comparison of online auctions in Germany, the UK, and the US

Schlägel, Christopher; Wolff, Birgitta

In: Magdeburg: Univ., FEMM, 2007, 35 S., graph. Darst. - (Working paper series; Otto von Guericke University, FEMM, Faculty of Economics and Management; 2007,27)[Literaturverz. S. 31 - 35]

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In unserer Forschungstätigkeit untersuchen die Mitarbeiter des BIM-Lehrstuhls aktuelle und problemorientierte Fragestellungen, die sich durch einen starken Bezug zu den Bereichen International Management, International Entrepreneurship und International Strategy auszeichnen. Die Forschungsprojekte sind gekennzeichnet durch eine hohe Interdisziplinarität der Forschungsfragen. Unser Forschungsprofil ist darauf ausgerichtet, national und international sichtbare Forschung auf höchstem Niveau zu betreiben und wissenschaftlich fundierte Lösungskonzepte für praxisrelevante Probleme zu entwickeln. Unser Ziel ist es dabei, unsere Position in der internationalen Forschung weiter auszubauen sowie Ansprechpartner für Unternehmen und Organisationen der Stadt und der Region zu sein. Zur Forschung an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft (FWW) der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg sollen die Ergebnisse unserer Forschungstätigkeit insbesondere zu Publikationen, Drittmitteln und internationaler Sichtbarkeit beitragen.

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Letzte Änderung: 31.07.2023 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster