Information for students


The Germany Scholarship rewards outstanding academic achievements and voluntary commitment during studies. Sponsored students receive €300 per month for at least two semesters.

Applications for the Germany Scholarship can only be made online and are possible every year from April 15 to June 15 via the application portal. This is only activated during the application period once per academic year. The link to the portal will be activated at the beginning of the application period and shared here.

annually from April 15 to June 15
Funding for new applications* begins on October 1.

* If you have not yet received a Germany Scholarship at OVGU, your application is a new application.

Scholarships are initially granted for two semesters. If academic performance remains good, it is possible and generally desirable to continue funding within the standard period of study. To this end, academic performance is reviewed once a year.

The grant totals €300 per month. The scholarship is independent of income and parents and does not count towards BAföG benefits.

Funding is available to students,

  • enrolled in a first, second or supplementary degree program, a Master's degree program or a part-time/dual degree program,
  • are enrolled at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg at the beginning of the grant period and
  • is still enrolled for at least two semesters within the standard period of study for a degree program (including a consecutive Master's degree program) at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg.

As an applicant, you should be characterized by very good performance in your studies and a special social engagement.

The following documents must be submitted:

  1. a letter of motivation of no more than two pages,
  2. a curriculum vitae in tabular form,
  3. the certificate of university entrance qualification, in the case of foreign certificates a conversion into the German grading system,
  4. Proof of academic achievements (if already completed),
  5. a certificate of enrollment (if already issued),
  6. for applicants for a Master's degree, the certificate of a first university degree and, if applicable, further proof of performance in accordance with the admission and selection regulations for the Master's degree program,
  7. If applicable, proof of a special qualification that entitles the applicant to study in the respective degree program at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg,
  8. If applicable, internship and work references as well as proof of special awards and prizes, other knowledge and further commitment,
  9. if applicable, a declaration of special social, family or personal circumstances.

The Germany Scholarship is usually granted for two semesters. After the funding period has expired, you can apply for an extension of the scholarship if you still have 2 semesters of your standard period of study ahead of you.

The following application deadlines apply for renewal applications:

For the summer semester: 15.12. to 31.01.
For the winter semester:  15.06. to 30.07.

If you are changing from a Bachelor's to a Master's degree program for the next funded semester, please send an email to

Last Modification: 14.03.2025 - Contact Person: Katrin Burgmann