Where can I find information and what do I have to consider before applying? You can find a general overview on the Erasmus+ programme on these pages.
Depending on your host institution, you need to proof different language skills during your application. Here, we provide you with the relevant information.
Once you have read up about the Erasmus+ programme and have decided to apply, you must follow the application process detailed here.
If your application for an Erasmus+ exchange placement was successful, the following steps must be taken before you embark on your experience abroad.
After your arrival at the host institution, you will not only need to take care of enrolment, class selection etc. there. Remember to send the necessary forms to Magdeburg, too.
Once your exchange term comes to an end, you will need to take care of some formalities both abroad and back in Magdeburg. Make sure to check this list in time before your departure.
If you are chosen for an Erasmus+ exchange placement, you are entitled to financial support which comes in the form of the so-called mobility grant.
Erasmus+ now offers top ups for students in special circumstances (parents, disabled students, first generation students, working students) and for green travelling. Here you can find out about special funding you can receive.
In order to prepare your Learning Agreement, please contact your faculty coordinators to ensure which courses and credits taken abroad can be transferred to your programme at OVGU.
Sie wollen erfahren welches Land zu Ihnen passt oder haben bereits ein Ziel und wollen sich auf Ihren Auslandsaufenthalt vorbereiten? Dann nutzen Sie hier unsere zahlreichen Angebote um sich über Länder, Kulturen, Sprachen und formelle Voraussetzungen zu informieren.
Study abroad advising for OVGU students (ERASMUS+ programme)
Marilena Wiegmann
Campus Welcome Center (Building 01), Room 1
Tel.: 0391 / 67-57349