
Aktuelle Projekte

CA22150 - Comparative Research on the Executive Triangle in Europe (CoREx)
Laufzeit: 25.10.2023 bis 24.10.2027

CoREx creates a unique pan-European network of researchers studying the relationships of executive politicians, top civil servants, and ministerial advisers (‘the executive triangle’) from an internationally comparative perspective. These three actors and their mutual relationships significantly shape policymaking. Their capacity to solve problems and to make legitimate decisions are at the core of democratic governance. While pressing contemporary policy problems require professional top civil service competence, executive politicians demand political advice from personally trusted individuals to navigate their increasingly polarized and mediatized environments. CoREx addresses this tension between professional competence and political craft by taking a system-perspective on the executive triangle. Through pan-European networking and knowledge sharing across all regions in Europe, it develops a common conceptual and methodological framework revolving around different dimensions of politicization to collect comparative data from across Europe. Thereby, CoREx bridges currently disconnected research on the top civil service and ministerial advisers, as well as disparities in geographical coverage and research capacities. CoREx will generate comparative datasets and analyses on the institutional set-up, career backgrounds, roles and interactions in policymaking, and accountability and transparency of the executive triangle across regions and over time. In an innovative way, CoREx will provide systematic comparative knowledge about trends, causes, and consequences of different configurations of the executive triangle. CoREx contributes to a better understanding of democratic governance in times of increasing political polarization and populist politics. The unprecedented results will be relevant for the scientific community, stakeholders, and the public at large.
Action keywords
top civil servants - ministerial advisers - politicization - comparative public administration - policymaking

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National Coordination of EU Policy-Making
Laufzeit: 01.04.2022 bis 01.04.2026

Member states of the European Union (EU) and closely associated neighbouring states are deeply integrated, accordingly the coordination of EU policy-making has become a crucial element of domestic politics and policy-making. How EU coordination is managed varies across EU member states and has been confronted with severe new challenges due to deep-cutting crises that had to be dealt with in the framework of a new Treaty that took effect in 2009. Both for the functioning of the EU and for the legitimacy of shaping policies questions about EU policy coordination are crucial. The only comprehensive comparative study on these questions dates back to 2000/2001 (see below). The project will follow up on the comprehensive volumes and assemble country studies and cross-country comparative studies. The project will assemble contributions for all member states and selected associated neighbouring states (UK, Norway, Switzerland) as well as selected comparative analyses (informal Council coordination, intense policy coordination, institutional reform).
The project is led by Eva Heidbreder (OVGU) and Hussein Kassim (University of East Anglia, UK). Work on the project started in November 2022. A contributor workshop will take place in December 2023 at the Villa Vigoni (IT).

Kassim, H., Menon, A., Peters, B. G. and Wright, V. (eds.) (2001) The National Co-ordination of EU Policy: The European Level (Oxford: OUP).
Kassim, H., Peters, B. G. and Wright, V. (eds.) (2000) The National Co-ordination of EU Policy: The Domestic Level (Oxford: OUP).

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Jean Monnet Lehrstuhl: Interaktive Mehrebenendemokratie in Europa (IMUDE)
Laufzeit: 01.04.2022 bis 31.03.2025

The Jean Monnet Chair in Interactive Multilevel Democracy in Europe takes a forward-looking approach to the timely issue of democratic participation in the EU system. In face of substantive democratic challenges on the EU- level and in the member states, the JMC contributes to the theoretical understanding, the work of policymakers, and the hands-on engagement of citizens. IMUDE promotes three key objectives. First, innovative teaching ap- proaches and IMUDE-related content enhance excellence, interdisciplinary and internationality in teaching. Meth- odologically, the JMC builds on the recent reforms of a BA and MA in European Studies and formulates concrete improvements to boost the quality and scope of the programmes; an additional vocational training module comple- ments the efforts. Second, research on the conditions for active citizenship in the EU boundary-crossing democracy will produce tangible research outputs on the guiding theme. Starting points are publications which form the scien- tific canvass on which to analyse recent democratisation and participatory initiatives, and to offer hands-on guid- ance for practitioners. Third, the JMC will develop formats for public debate to establish a regular interactive dia- logue between academia, policy-makers and citizens. The third-mission activities that open the university to a wider public are of extreme relevance in face of increasing anti-democratic and anti-EU voting behaviour. To guarantee a sustainable impact, the JMC a) builds on a firm background of prior work, b) formulates concrete projects that invest into people, structures and instruments, c) links the three focal points to mutually advance the underpinning key objectives. IMUDE as lead theme is therefore not only a topic that is taken up in teaching, re- search and outreach but the Jean Monnet Chair itself is dedicated to the ideal of a more interactive multilevel democratic approach.

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Abgeschlossene Projekte

Hamburg-Vigoni Forum - Internationale Kooperation (D-IT) zum Zustand und der Zukunft der EU (Mitglied Expertengruppe) // International Cooperation on the State and Future of the EU (Expert team),
Laufzeit: 12.08.2020 bis 01.02.2024

Hamburg-Vigoni Forum
Die Exzellenz-Universität Hamburg, das Europa-Kolleg Hamburg, das Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg und das Deutsch-Italienische Zentrum für den europäischen Dialog Villa Vigoni starten ein gemeinsames Projekt: das Hamburg-Vigoni Forum.
Es ist an der Schnittstelle von Wissenschaft und Politik angesiedelt und nimmt sich drei thematische Schwerpunkte vor, die sowohl "klassische" Herausforderungen der Wissenschaften, als auch aktuelle Herausforderungen der Politik in Europa und im globalen Maßstab darstellen: Identität, Souveränität und Raum.
Geplant ist eine Laufzeit von drei Jahren. In der Villa Vigoni finden Fachgespräche mit Beteiligung junger Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen aus Italien und Deutschland statt. In Hamburg werden die Ergebnisse für ein größeres Publikum mit Beteiligung prominenter Politiker und Politikerinnen präsentiert und diskutiert.
Veröffentlichungen zu den drei thematischen Schwerpunkten sind vorgesehen.

The University of Excellence of Hamburg, the Europa-Kolleg Hamburg, the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, and the German-Italian Centre for the European Dialogue Villa Vigoni together are promoting a new project: the Hamburg-Vigoni Forum.
It is a cross-disciplinary project on the border between science and politics and takes into consideration three thematic focuses representing both classical challenges in the scientific domain and the current challenges of European and global politics: identity, sovereignty, and space.
The project lasts three years and involves specialised meetings of young Italian and German scientists at Villa Vigoni. There will be events in Hamburg to present and discuss the results obtained during the specialised meetings; these manifestations will be opened to the public and relevant political personalities will participate.
It is expected to publish the results concerning the above-mentioned thematical focuses.

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Handbuch der Länder EU-Koordinierung
Laufzeit: 01.04.2022 bis 15.12.2023

Im Rahmen der EU Jean Monnet Förderung und in Kooperation mit Expertinnen der Landesverwaltung füllt dieses Projekt ein Lücke sowohl in der Literatur zur deutschen Europapolitik als auch in der angewandten Forschung, die (potentiellen) Aktiven in der EU-Politikgestaltung notwendiges Grundwissen vermittelt.
Das Projekt besteht in der Erstellung eines Handbuches, das diese beiden Lücken füllt.

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Europeanization under the radar? Trends in politicization & EU policymaking at the sub-state level
Laufzeit: 01.11.2021 bis 31.03.2023

EU research in the past decade has been preoccupied with the Union’s polycrisis. Theoretically, this has boosted enquiries into contestation and politicization, as has been theorized prominently in postfunctionalism, the return of intergovernmentalism, adapted in notions such as discursive intergovernmentalism, and advances in understanding and explaining differentiated integration and disintegration. The empirical crises experience and the theoretical innovations to understand its origins, dynamics and consequences of these events took shape in the adapted institutional context of the post-Lisbon EU. Accordingly, the changes introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon have attracted considerable attention. Due to the high politics involved, the risen role of the Council, the changed role of the European Parliament and the increased involvement of national parliaments and the responsiveness of EU and national actors to increasingly EU-sceptic publics have been studied. Much less attention has been paid to incremental dynamics that the Treaty of Lisbon triggered in sub-state venues of EU policy-making.
To fill this research gap, this project a) conducts innovative research on how sub-national bodies are involved in EU policy-making, b) brings together scholars working on the following grand themes of recent EU research: 1) the contribution and changed role of sub-state polycrisis and subsequent Covid-19 crisis; 2) the response and perception of sub-state actors in face of rising contestation and politicization of EU policy-making and integration; 3) inter-institutional power-shifts since the Treaty of Lisbon and the polycrisis; 4) sub-national actors as motor and subject to differentiated (dis)integration.

The pilot study is (a) is entitled:
Eva G. Heidbreder (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg)
Daniel Schade (Cornell Univeristy)
Brexit as Democratic Catalyst: Participation in Germany's Negotiation Management

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Working Title: Responsiveness in Governmental Position Formation in Times of Crisis
Laufzeit: 01.01.2020 bis 31.12.2022

The thesis aims at exploring why member state governments vary in their responses to the preferences of citizens when forming their positions for EU-level crisis decision-making. Given the high public salience of European policy issue in times of crisis, why are some national governments responsive and others not, even though population opinion is similar across member states?

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30 Jahre Europaministerkonferenz - Visionen für die Zukunft
Laufzeit: 01.04.2022 bis 15.12.2022

In Kooperation mit dem Hamburg-Vigoni Forum (Leitung: Prof. Dr. Kotzur, Universität Hamburg) hat der Jean Monnet Lehrstuhl eine Studie zum 30. Jubiläum der Europaministerkonferenz der Länder (EMK) erstellt. Die Studie entwickelt auf der Grundlage einer kritischen Analyse der bisherigen Arbeit der EMK Entwicklungsoptionen und formuliert konkrete Empfehlungen.
Die Studie leistet einen sehr gut sichtbaren Beitrag im Bereich der angewandten Forschung. Die Studie wurde am 28. September 2022 auf der EMK allen Europaminister:innen der Länder vorgestellt. Der Vorsitz der EMK (Sachsen-Anhalt) aber auch die folgenden Vorsitze haben einen Follow-up Prozess angekündigt, weitere Hintergrundgespräche finden statt.
Die Studie wird Ende 2022 offiziell über das Hamburg-Vigoni Forum publiziert.

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Negotiating Brexit funded by: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Laufzeit: 01.05.2017 bis 31.10.2018

The UKs departure from the EU will have far-reaching consequences for its European neighbours and the EU institutions, as well as the UK itself. This important project will examine the approaches taken by the governments of the remaining member states (EU27), the EU institutions, and the UK to the Article 50 negotiations and to the negotiations concerning the UK s future relationship with the EU.
Bringing together leading experts from across the EU to form a cross-national observatory and funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council, `Negotiating Brexit will:

  • provide informed commentary as the negotiations develop via a dedicated website, blogs and downloadable texts aimed at a general readership in the UK and beyond
  • hold conferences open to all at important stages of the negotiations
  • create a digital depository of key documents available to anyone interested in the UK s changing relationship with the EU
  • deliver a collective volume that tracks the approaches of governments and EU institutions from David Cameron s 2013 Bloomberg speech, through the June 23 referendum, the formal triggering of the Article 50 process by the government of Theresa May, to the negotiations themselves
  • examine in an edited collection the domestic politics of Brexit across the EU
  • contribute to academic scholarship on preferences, preference formation, and international negotiations

The team will work closely with the `UK in a Changing Europe , a programme funded by the ESRC to provide independent and expert analysis to decision makers, stakeholders, the media, and the general public.
The project is led by Professor Hussein Kassim, University of East Anglia, and Dr Simon Usherwood, University of Surrey.

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Forschungsinitiative Nordrhein-Westfalen in Europa (FINE) LAND NRW
Laufzeit: 01.01.2015 bis 31.12.2017

FINE - Forschungs-Initiative NRW in Europa
Die Forschungs-Initiative NRW in Europa (FINE) hat ihren Sitz in Düsseldorf, in unmittelbarer Nähe zur Landespolitik und weiteren relevanten Akteuren. Diesen "Standortvorteil" gegenüber anderen Forschungsinstituten will FINE nutzen, um einen besonderen Akzent in eine unübersichtlich gewachsene Landschaft europäischer Integrationswissenschaft und Regionalforschung zu setzen. Wir gehen davon aus, dass es an politikwissenschaftlicher Landesforschung mit europäischen Bezügen mangelt. Die politischen Entscheidungsprozesse in ihrer regionalen Dimension stärker als bisher ins Zentrum politikwissenschaftlicher Europaforschung zu stellen ist daher der Ansatzpunkt dieser Initiative. Dabei geht es unter anderem um die Analyse von Verhandlungssystemen und Interessenvermittlungsprozessen, die die europäische Entwicklung entscheidend mitgestalten.

Unser Ziel ist es, ein breites Spektrum an wissenschaftlichen Service- und Transferleistungen anzubieten. Zu diesem Zweck konzentrieren sich die Aktivitäten von FINE auf die Bereiche Forschung, Kommunikation und Kooperation. Neben der Durchführung eigener Forschungsprojekte ist es insbesondere unser Anliegen, ein nordrhein-westfälisches Netzwerk aufzubauen, in dem sich Forscher und Praktiker austauschen.


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Letzte Änderung: 08.06.2023 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster